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Day 2 at the World Internet Summit in Auckland

Today there where four speakers, Gail Bottomley, Shaune Clarke, Dr. Mike Woo-Ming with Brian “Koz” Kosobucki and Ewen Chia.

Gail mentioned something that makes a lot of sense… always have a URL shown in any video that you submit to as well as mention a URL starting with http:// in the video description.

So far not really new… but she mentioned that YouTube now allows you to edit and add subtitles (e.g. the URL) after uploading a video to it.

Day 1 at the World Internet Summit in Auckland

The first day was what they called the “Newbie Day”. Here a short video on how it all started…

You might be wondering why I watched newbie stuff on day 1? Not quiet what I am looking for information wise?

Right,but guess what?  Sylvie & Michel Fortin where showing how they setup their web site for raising money for breast cancer research as part as the World Internet Challenge and during their presentation I picked up two great tips which I wrote down…

1. Michel is a top notch copy writer that wrote copy for John Reese, Frank Kern etc. and he explained while creating the page for the raising money for breast cancer research project, why he did certain things on the page.  One point that caught my interest was how describes in the call to action step-by-step to the prospect what he wants them to do next.  e.g. “What I would like you to do next is to click on the order button below to order XYZ, you will be send to PayPal where you login with your PayPal email address and password.  Once you finished your payment, you will be forwarded to our order thank you page where you can get immediate access to your XYZ product.”

2. He shared with the crowd that he tested placing a video on the order page that shows the prospect also step-by-step how they go through the order process and how that video helped to increase the page conversion by 400%.  Amazing stuff!

Here is a picture of me with the two of them in the hallway in front of the seminar room…

Michel & Sylvie Fortin

On a side note… the reason they picked the raising money for breast cancer research project for the World Internet Summit is that Sylvie was diagnosed 2 years ago with late stage breast cancer and was giving 1 year to live.

It’s now two years since that and she is fine.  In her own words, due to the improvements in breast cancer treatment due to breast cancer research.

I believe so too and went and donated right away myself.  During the donation process they asked if I wanted to donate the money in honor for anybody, which I did.  I donated in honor of my wife Luisa who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer a little over 9 years ago.

The doctors didn’t give her an exact amount of time she would have left, but told her that others with similar severe breast cancers on average had another 5 years to live.

I am glad to say that all that is now over 9 years ago and my wife is fine.

Anyway… that was another reason why I happily donated.

If you can spare a few $, I would be happy if you could join. 

The page for this cause is located at:

On a lighter note… I also had my 15 minutes of fame today on stage when Brett MyFall interviewed my on how attending the World Internet Summit had truly helped me to get to the point where I was able to generate $457,000 in sales from a single product.

Man… was I nervous walking on stage, but I made it through and it seemed like teh crowed liked what i had to share. 

Later in the evening I went again out with Leon (see yesterdays blog entry) and his wife Cat to an Italien restaurant.

Check out this two videos that I took of the Auckland, New Zealand skyline at night.  In the first one I confuse some crazy girls with the radio…

… and on the second I actually catch the crazy girls on camera…

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

Executive Suite Upgrade… a good start at the event hotel!

A really good start indeed…

I arrived in the late afternoon in the overcast and lightly drizzly Auckland, New Zealand… and had a good surprise when I arrived at the World Internet Summit event hotel, the Langham Hotel.

They upgraded my room to an Executive Suite… sweet!

Heading to New Zealand, sharing my little success story…

I am right now at the International Airport here in Sydney, Australia, waiting for boarding my plane to Auckland, New Zealand.

There I will attend the World Internet Summit and share with the crowd my little success story on how the WIS helped me to generate over US $457,000 in sales with a single product.

Check out my video testimonial I recorded for them…

Ok, gotta go now, almost time to board the plane… talk to you soon.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

P.S. -Keep your eyes open for The Viral Blueprint… in which Colin, my business partner, and I share how we achieved this, step by step.

Is it from heaven or from hell?
And what Spiderman’s Force has to do with it!

Sorry for the slightly confusing blog title, soon it will all become very clear to you…

Just last night I received an quite interesting message via Skype… somebody told me that Message Magic (formerly called “Skype Assist”) will launch on July 15th, just a few days from now, with a plug-in for the Skype IM tool that millions of people use right now around the globe.

Before I share with you what exactly it does… here my little rant about this tool that is promoted as a marketing tool from heaven, that in my opinion could turn into a marketing tool from hell if… well, if users don’t remember the famous line from the first Spiderman blockbuster movie: