I received today an email reply to an autoresponder message I send out sharing with my subscribers traffic source where the owner allowed me to pass on 50,000 advertising credits for free.
The reply said: “Sorry, I don’t believe in all this traffic crap anyway none of that ever works unless you can show me otherwise!”
Let me share with you what I shared with my subscriber…
With “traffic crap” it is a little bit like rain drops hitting the desert floor.
If you just have an occasional drop here and there, all that will happen is that the water vaporises.
Same with a lot of traffic sources… a single mailing somewhere will give you barely any if not even no results at all.
But if frequency and consistency is applied… those traffic drops can eventually form the Grand Canyon.
Same with traffic sources… I started in July 1996 with less then a handful subscribers and my first newsletter issue on July 1st 1996, see: FrankLik.es/July1996
With frequency and consistency applied I went from there to here: FrankLik.es/May2015
Yes… a long time, but well worth it in my opinion. 🙂
To Your Success in Business & Life,
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Frank Bauer Director of Add2it.com Marketing Pty Ltd |
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Today I was asked on Skype: “Do you have any advice or strategy for quick list building… which might help us? Just saw this on JVZoo …[Link Removed], might it be so secret as the guy was telling?”
I replied…
I am not familiar with the specific strategy that particular guy on the sales page teaches (and to be honest, I didn’t watch his complete video sales pitch), but there are some things that you need to remember…
a) Once you have a system in place (a funnel that builds your list), it
Remember when I last posted in the middle of the night (my timezone here in Sydney, Australia) almost 4 days ago?
I started using List Leverage right from the launch last Thursday, right after I helped my buddy Matthew Neer get his site ready for launch.
The main function of List Leverage is to leverage your list building efforts as well as build you 3 income streams at the same time, while being 100% free to join.
I personally got the optional VIP Syndicate upgrade that’s offered at a $1 3 day trial.
And here are the results I got so far in less then 4 days…
I personally consider 359 leads in less then 4 days a very good result.
Also, their 3 income streams together generated so far a total of $243.45 in commissions.
Considering that all 3 income steams have either a free or $1 trial period… I am very satisfied with this result in such a short time. 🙂
Join me & get your own List Leverage account right now!
To Your Success in Business & Life,
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Frank Bauer Director of Add2it.com Marketing Pty Ltd |
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Yeap, that is right… almost 4 am here in Sydney, Australia and I am exhausted. 😛
Why am I still up and why am I bothering to even write this blog post this late at night?
Great question…. easy answer! I was helping my buddy Matthew Neer with his latest site launch. Hours before his launch and still technical issues to be resolve… and his programmer went missing in action.
So, good guy as I am… I helped him get it all up and running smooth. And now I am almost too tired to even let you know it went life moments ago.
What is the main function of his site? Leveraging your list building as well as building you 3 income streams at the same time, while being 100% free to join.
Like I said it went life moments ago, I this is my first email I am sending out about it… and so far I got 10 leads added to my autoresponder.
And yes… I haven’t even clicked the save button yet!
Anyway… like I said, it’s late… I am tired, so let’s agree to let his video explain you all the details. 🙂
Get your own free List Leverage account right now!
You can thank me later. 🙂
To Your Success in Business & Life,
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Frank Bauer Director of Add2it.com Marketing Pty Ltd |
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P.S. – You will need the autoresponder account to build your list and ClickBank is free to join, but if you don’t want to use the ILS income stream, feel free to use my ID: success
P.P.S. – See the System LIVE in Action Here!