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ORU – Separating Hype from Reality!

I believe it is time to separate the hype from the actual reality when it comes to what some are praising as the “Replacement of PayPal”… ORU.

I have heard claims like “PayPal and other Merchant accounts including Stripe are no longer allowing any type of marketing or advertising programs!”

This is far from reality… have they frozen hundreds of accounts during the last PayPal purge? Yes, they did… but not just for marketing or advertising programs.

I have the proof as they limited my accounts and I got them back in 9 days and that with my business being 90% Marketing & Advertising Programs.

My business is, after all, Marketing Pty Ltd and I accept PayPal on sites like,,, and many, many more.

As you can see, PayPal has no problem at all with Marketing & Advertising Programs.

And if you are interested to learn how I and others got our accounts back that were permanently limited by PayPal then you should read my earlier blog post right here.

But for now, let’s get back to ORU… are they a replacement for PayPal? The straight forward answer is… not yet.

Can they be of immense help for Internet Marketers that lost their PayPal and/or Stripe accounts? Of course, but getting your PayPal account back would at this time be a lot better for you.

In our market, many people simply still prefer to pay directly with PayPal, Credit or Debit card.

But you heard that others can pay you with ORU using PayPal, Credit or Debit card? Well, that’s partially true.

Your customer or affiliates that you want to pay will need to join ORU at $5.95 per month… an extra expense for being able to pay you or get paid that way.

Plus they will first need to fund their ORU account and then pay you with their ORU funds.

Yes, they will also be able to earn commissions on 10 levels with ORU, and the marketers between us will long term enjoy that benefit for sure.

Now, all that being said… why did I join ORU? Even with me still having my PayPal accounts?

There are multiple reasons, and I will be honest… their generous compensation plan is part of those reasons. 🙂

– With so many Internet Marketers stuck between a rock and a hard place since…

a) one of PayZa’s Canadian owners got kit-napped by US authorities in March of 2018 and

b) PayPal & Stripe started their purge in November / December of 2018 (due to, IMHO, either a buggy AI or one or several crazy SJWs in their staff)

I believe that more and more Internet Marketers that either lost their PayPal / Stripe account or simply lost their trust in PayPal (who can blame them) will start or already started to use ORU as their last resort payment processing option of choice.

I just helped my business partner Frank Hester integrate ORU into his Crypto Pros site.

Other early adopters of the ORU Payment System include Safelist Mogul, Dave Mosher who will be accepting payments and sending commission on 250+ Safelists and Viral Mailers.

Also, Master Marketer, Frank Salinas is now using the ORU Payment System for his sites and the renown owner of BuildABiz Online, Ian Stewart has included ORU as a way to pay and get paid.

Many, many more will follow and as affiliates and customers can use ORU on more and more sites, that low monthly fee will become less and less of an issue for them as well.

And yes, I also have plans to integrate ORU into my sites as a payment option as well as an option to get paid.

– It will take years for ORU to get close to (never mind overtake) PayPal or Stripe, but as long as those big corporations don’t really care about their customer (us), their circle of influence will continue to shrink.

That’s the best chance companies like ORU will ever get to work their way up to at least the “Pepsi” status.

– ORU doesn’t have an API yet, but as mentioned before, I just helped Frank Hester integrate ORU in his site by allowing members to save their ORU Share Code (for giving credit to the referrer if somebody joins ORU) and their ORU Username (to receive commissions manually
sent by Frank Hester on member request). Frank gives his customers instructions via a video on how they can pay him for products via ORU Pay and then full-fills those orders (for now) manually.

As you can see, it’s already now usable, and can only get better as ORU implements a proper API for site owners to utilize.

– Another benefit of using ORU is for sites with compensation plans where PayPal or Stripe where never an option. Like multi-level marketing, pass up systems etc.

– Then there is the benefit for otherwise crypto only sites (like Crypto Pros) to provide a not refundable USD option to pay for customers as well as to get paid for affiliates.

– Finally, as I hinted early on, ORU is very generous with their compensation plan where you will be able to earn a one-time $10 for new personal referrals, $1 on level 2 to 10 and then $0.25 on 10 levels starting the second month. Plus, the company pays out the majority of their remaining profits in form of a weekly bonus that is based on your personal ORU Score where your activity on the site as well as your referral activity gives you points that determine how much in bonus you get.

My first-week bonus was $5.49… not bad for a $5.95/mth program. 🙂

All in all… is ORU the holy grail of payment processing?

Certainly not, for sure not yet… but this is their chance to increase their market footprint. Who do you believe will treat you better, the corporate giant that considers you just another number or the startup that has so much to gain, but also everything to lose if they don’t treat us right.

I am in… are you? At the very least… inform yourself and take a closer look right now, right here!

PayPal Purge 2018/2019 – A Possible Solution

Have you been affected by the 2018/2019 PayPal purge as well?

If you have been, then I am sure you will be interested to hear that there is a possible solution for you.

As hundreds, if not thousands of other Internet Marketers, I also got hit by the PayPal purge. In the middle of December 2018, my two PayPal accounts (2 business entities) both got a permanent account suspension with just vage information on why it happened.

But just 9 days later (shortly after Christmas), both accounts were reinstated and I was again able to send and receive payments as well as access the funds I was told are frozen for 180 days, just 9 days before.

How did I do it? Did the same approach work for others? What other options are there if you either can’t get your account back or simply have enough of ever dealing with PayPal again?

Let me share with you the exact steps I took to get my PayPal accounts back. These steps where then also used by a former business partner of mine who woke up one morning just to see that his four PayPal account where all permanently suspended. He got all his accounts back as well, after just a few days.

These are the 14 steps that we followed…

1. Call PayPal… email alone will not get you anywhere.

2. Mention that you didn’t break any of their terms or conditions or AUP since you opened your PayPal account in ####. Obviously… make sure you didn’t! Read their terms and AUP first.

3. Ask them: How can I help you clear up this misunderstanding? Most suspended accounts in this purge seem to simply be found guilty by association or guilty until proven innocent. So, if you don’t get from PayPal the exact reason why your account was suspended and the reason they give is unclear (as with the big majority that was affected), offer to help them resolve this misunderstanding.

4. Your PayPal account manager will at this point hopefully escalate your case to the Risk Management department. If he doesn’t right away, keep talking with him. Ask questions about the exact reason why your account was suspended. Point out how this negatively affects your business and how you will gladly help PayPal to resolve this misunderstanding.

5. The Risk Management department will tell you what information or documents they want from you. In my case, they asked for Business Plans for each of the websites I use PayPal on. If they ask you for the same, but don’t own web site, but earn your money as an affiliate marketer, provide them with a list of the site you currently promote, what products they offer, their compensation plan (should only be commissions on personally referred sales as PayPal tends to be allergic to anything that sounds like MLM) and mention that you will gladly stop promoting any site that PayPal doesn’t allow you to promote.

6. Provide all requested details and documents via email and also in the PayPal area if they ask for them there as well.

7. Wait 15 minute, then follow up with a phone call.

8. Ask if they received the details and documents you provided to them as requested.

9. Ask them: Is there anything else I can help you with to speed up the process of clearing up this misunderstanding? Also, ask them how many days to wait before following up with them on this issue.

10. Wait for them to remove your account limitation or to contact you to request more information or documents. If they ask for more details, loop back to step #6.

11. If they remove your account limitation, skip to step #15.

12. If they don’t remove your account limitation nor reply to you within 2-3 business days (or longer if they told you it will take longer), call them again.

13. Ask them: Is there anything else I can help you with to speed up the process to clear up this misunderstanding?

14. Loop to step #10.

15. Congratulations, you got your PayPal account back. 🙂

I hope you get your PayPal account back as well. If not, or if you simply had enough of ever dealing with PayPal again, there is another option.

Let me introduce you to… ORU Market! They allow you to sell products to your customers in USD with no fees. Your customers can fund their ORU account with PayPal, Credit or Debit cards, so you don’t have to have your own PayPal or merchant account. You can also pay your affiliates in USD using ORU Pay. And all ORU members can spend their funds or get cash at ATM’s worldwide using the ORU Prepaid Visa Card. ORU is available in 96 countries for a one-time activation fee of $24.99 to get your Prepaid Visa card shipped and just $5.95/mth.

Why would you pay $5.95 a month for the ORU Payment System?

Think about it. How much in fees did you or are you paying PayPal every time you bought or buy something? And how much in fees did you or are you paying to PayPal when you received any money?

For me, it is way more than $5.95 a month! And you paid PayPal month after month and year after year only to be treated so badly!

– ORU has no fees for buying or selling.
– ORU has no chargebacks and disputes.
– ORU does not Limit or Freeze your account.

Check out ORU right now and I am sure you will also like what you see. 🙂

The Rollercoaster Crash

Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets Of Money – Episode 6



Mike shares four reasons a deflationary crash bigger than the one in 1929 is coming. This episode features all his latest evidence rolled into one, the succinct argument that makes it easy to see exactly how the Fed and the world

Rise Of Hitler Was Economics

Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets Of Money – Episode 5



Welcome to the 5th episode of Michael Maloney

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind

Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets Of Money – Episode 4



You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world…it’s a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn’t quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is. Gone are the days where a family can survive on just one paycheck…every day it seems that things are more and more out of control, yet only one in a million understand why. You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the inequality in our world today. The powers that be DO NOT want you to know about this, as this system is what has kept them at the top of the financial food-chain for the last 100 years…

Learning this will change your life, because it will change the choices that you make. If enough people learn it, it will change the world…because it will change the system . For this is the biggest Hidden Secret Of Money. Never in human history have so many been plundered by so few, and it’s all accomplished through this…The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind.

Quick Reference Guide to Episode 4

High-resolution version of this chart available here.

Episode 5: Rise Of Hitler Was Economics

This video was originally posted on Mike Maloney’s blog at: