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Untold Marketing Secrets Update


I wanted to quickly update you on Jason James new Untold Marketing Secrets product and his special $488 value, 48 hours only bonus, but first take a quick look at this video interview in which Reed Floren asks Jason to share what is product is about…

Now, as you saw in the video, Jason planed to sell the product at $77 during the two weeks launch period and then increase the price to $97.

The good news is that he changed his mind at the last minute and he decreased the price to just $47 for the first week of the launch… that means until the 14th of August.

But that’s not all… I also decided to add additional bonuses for those that take advantage of Jason’s Untold Marketing Secrets offer before the launch period is over.

You can find all details of my additional $1,946.00 value bonus offer on my blog post from last Tuesday.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

PS: Did i mention that I know Jason online now for quiet a while already… but so far we never met in person! That will soon change and I am looking forward to meet and talk with him in person at the World Internet Main Event this September in San Francisco. Maybe I will meet you there as well? 🙂

PPS: I mentioned Jason’s special 48 hours only bonus… here are the details:

EVERYONE who purchases Jason’s new Untold Marketing Secrets in the next 48 hours will get complimentary access to ALL 4 of his previous products (a $488 Value) which include:

#1 – Auction Resource Network –
A guide to cashing in with online auctions – $97.00 value

#2 – Uncut Marketing – (Currently closed to the public but you will be the only one able to get access)
30+ Exclusive videos on every topic imaginable from the top names in Internet marketing – $197 value

#3 – Membership Riches –
Jason’s guide to building membership websites – $97.00 value

#4 – Audio Video Riches –
The #1 Guide for using audio/video online – $97.00 value


Once you have bought, just forward your receipt from Clickbank to and Jason will fulfill your bonus within 24 hours.

PPS: Check out what Rex Turner says about the value of Untold Marketing Secrets in his video below…

The show that premiers on August 15th…


When Survivor hit the airwaves in 2000, reality television was born.

When American Idol started in 2002, wanna-be singers and critics immediately took to the guilty pleasure of watching each week. And the same happened here in Australia shortly after with Australian Idol.

And when The Apprentice debuted in 2004, ratings soared and the world tuned in to see Trump say “You’re Fired”.

The rest of the reality shows have come and gone with barely a dent in pop culture history.

Now, there is a new reality show that is about the become the newest hit and sensation.

But this show is different than the rest for several reasons…

– It’s not on a major network

– It is all about Internet marketing

– And it is the WORLD’S FIRST competitive Internet reality show!

It’s called… “The Next Internet Millionaire

In case you haven’t heard yet, Joel Comm has raised the bar beyond the ceiling and has produced a show that features twelve aspiring entrepreneurs battling it out for a $25,000 cash prize and an opportunity for a large scale joint venture!

I have seen the teaser video on the web site, and believe me, the web has never seen anything like this before!

The contestants were taught by Internet marketing legends like Mark Joyner, Marlon Sanders, Armand Morin, Rich Schefren, Brad Fallon, Perry Marshall and others. They were tested in individual and team-based challenges, all the while being followed by cameras that recorded their every move!

Honestly, you have GOT to go see this video and their website right away. I can’t WAIT to see the show when it premiers on August 15th, and I think you are going to enjoy it as well.

Click this The Next Internet Millionaire link now and you’ll see what I mean!

Viewers are leaving television in droves, and it’s no wonder why. Finally, there is original, quality programming exclusively for the web.

Enjoy the show… It’s going to be great!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

Did you get your eBook Profit Power Tips?


The results have been amazing!

Remember the free gift I offered you 3 days ago?

Yes, I’m talking about the eBook Profit Power Tips special report that I had arranged as a free gift with Ladan Lashkari.

So have you grabbed your copy of this limited-time free gift?

If not yet, you can simply claim your copy here:

Why now? Because Ladan has said she can’t guarantee how long this ebook will be available for you for free.

So get your copy for free while you still can:

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

Creating your own ebook


Have you ever thought about creating your own ebook? Because you know how having your own ebook helps you make more profits AND get a higher prestige in your business because now you are a respected “author”.

But maybe you were concerned about having to spend a lot of time on writing your ebook, so you never actually got started.

Or maybe you were not sure how you were going to promote and sell your ebook after creating it. After all, you don’t want to spend a lot of time on your ebook only to see no one comes to buy it, right?

Well, I have a surprise for you…

A few days ago I talked with Ladan Lashkari, who is a respected ebook creation expert, and she agreed to offer one of her very helpful ebooks, eBook Profit Power Tips, to you as a free gift – for being a valued reader of my blog. 🙂

Ladan Lashkari
Laden Lashkari and I at the World Internet Mega Summit, May 2007 in Singapore

Inside this helpful ebook you’re going to discover simple yet powerful tips and ideas to create your own successful ebook in just a few days and sell it
effectively for fast results.

So check out this ebook and grab your free copy at:

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

Please don’t read this blog post if…


It’s now past 8:10 am here in Australia and it’s almost time to sleep (= 6:10 pm EST)… yes, I know… my wife is also looking at me slightly irritated as I worked through yet another night. 😛

Anyway… it’s just about 15 hours left I just wanted to send you a last reminder before I call it a night… ah, day… well, you got my point. 😉

So… if you read this and it’s already past 8:59 am EST on August 1st, don’t bother reading any further, sorry… you are too late!

If it’s before that time and you wonder… I am not yet too late for what?

You can still take advantage of my Master Resell Rights Bonus for the SendUsTo.US firesale! I am supporting Melvin, Gobala & Vince’s firesale as I would love to see them again in September at the World Internet Main Event seminar. 🙂

So, to get your hands on 100 Resale / Master Resale Rights products that you can use yourself as well as make 100% profit with, and maybe even up to 117 Private Label Right Products that you can turn into your very own products in addition to that… and if you also like my $492.00 value bonus, click here and check out my last blog post called The 48-Hour Gold Rush + My Personal Bonus For You!

But… if the time is tight, go first to www.SendUsTo.US and get your hands on the Musketeer Package… then come back to my blog to get your bonus.

Ok, no more long words for me… time for me to get some rest! 🙂

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of