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Hot Summer Meet-Up Update

Wow… 35 degree

Front of the house marketing lesson

Sometimes you can learn about marketing right in front of your house from the local wildlife.

7 Figure Secrets Affiliate Prize

A few days ago a box was delivered to our doorstep… top secret electronic equipment made it past customs.

Time for me to say thank you and share the story. Click on the play button below and check it out…

Or download the video to your computer (18.15 MB)

Man… I thought I was the technical type, doesn’t look like in that video… right?

All gadgets shown are compliments to Mike Filsaime from 7 Figure Secrets.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer

Frank Bauer

Owner of

Lawn Chair Millionaire Review Video

Last weekend I recorded a 9:41 minutes video for you that answers some of the questions that are commonly asked in regards to the Lawn Chair Millionaire program.

Click on the play button and check it out…

Create Traffic By Linking to Other Sites

Build Traffic Through Backlinks

There is a lot to be gained by visiting others websites and exchanging links, something to be gained by both sites.