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What can we learn from the world’s funniest salesman?

Check out the world’s funniest salesman…

What can we as online marketers learn from him?

The most obvious one is of course is that humor helps him get the foot into the door.

What I mean is that by using humor, he get’s the prospects attention and it that way able to present the benefits of his product.

I am sure that without humor, his closing rate would be a lot lower and more doors would be slammed into his face.

What else can we learn from him? Can you describe with a single word or more in the comments below?

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success in business & health in life,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Co-founder of,,, &

P.S. – Talking about really cool videos, after watching the video above… check out Colin’s new Viral Video system at

How to Use ViralVideo with the Lethal Commission movie trailer…

I made a video showing in detail how to use Colin’s ViralVideo system with the Lethal Commission movie trailer to make it even more viral on yesterdays blog post and also have it on a stand alone viral video page with added viral features…


BTW… the royalty free audio tracks that I used in this video are from Dee Ferdinand & DJ Suto’s EvoBeats Volume 2 pack that I shared with you in yesterdays blog post. Sounds great, doesn’t it? 🙂

To get back to Colin’s ViralVideo system, I believe it’s great to not only make your videos more viral, but to also build your list, share your money magnets and sell your products. All in all a valuable addition to your marketing arsenal.

Click here to get your hands on Colin’s ViralVideo system now!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Co-founder of,,, &

P.S. – Speaking of cool things… click here to check out the latest movie trailer from the Bollywood Bond of Internet Marketing! Enjoy! 🙂

In case you read this November 7th or later… here is just the trailer:

Click here for full details & starting November 7th, the movie!

EvoBeats Volume 2 Royalty Free Music Review

Dee Ferdinand & DJ Suto just released Volume 2 of their EvoBeats Royalty Free Music, and again… if you are using video online, then this is for you…

I used the 10 tracks of Volume 1 in pretty much every video I released during the last few months, they are that good! And now with Volume 2 they have done it again! 🙂

Click here to get your hands on the Royalty Free Sound Tracks now!

To your success in business & health in life,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Founder of,,, &
Co-founder of,,,,, &

P.S. – Dee Ferdinand & DJ Suto released also EvoBeats Volume 2, Volume 3 & Volume 4. I own all 4 volumes and they all come with very unique tracks that greatly compliment any of your online video creation.

P.P.S. – What is your favorite royalty free sound track, either of those included in EvoBeats Volume 1, EvoBeats Volume 2, EvoBeats Volume 3, EvoBeats Volume 4 or available somewhere else? Let me know with a comment below!

P.P.P.S. – Speaking of cool things… click here to check out the latest movie trailer from the Bollywood Bond of Internet Marketing! Enjoy! 🙂

Here is the trailer…

Click here to watch the full movie!

7 Steps to Build a Big Online Business from Scratch to 7 Figures

I got published in the Sept / Oct 2011 issue of the Internet Marketing Magazine on page 16 & 17, check it out! 🙂

Two little mistakes sneaked into that publication (can you tell what they are?), so here is the hopefully error free version of my article…


7 Steps to Build a Big Online Business from Scratch to 7 Figures
by Frank Bauer, Director of Marketing Pty Ltd

My name is Frank Bauer and like so many, I started to build my online business from scratch, with zero business experience back in July 1996.

But unlike many others that get overwhelmed by the massive amount of information out on the net and that give up after trying for a few months to a year, I was simply too stubborn to give up on my dream of building a business for myself. A business that would feed my family and supply us with a recession prove way of not only maintaining our lifestyle, but over time improving it substantially.

But I am getting ahead of myself here. The path I took from nothing to 7 figures in annual sales wasn

I just watched this video… twice, took a bunch of notes… very good stuff!

I just watched Mike Filsaime’s evergreen video… twice, and took a bunch of notes… very good stuff!

Check it out at

Did you know he was my very first online business mentor? Smart guy… I learned a lot from him and now even more in this video.

Here are some of the things I learned…

– What system to use to increase product sales conversion from 0.5 – 2.0% to 8%+

– How exactly to use it and what the advantages are compared to how it’s usually done

– How to get the low hanging fruit traffic at first

– How then then move on to the traffic that doesn’t require affiliates or JV partners at all (he shares 7 online and 4 offline methods)

– What to avoid with his system to keep good karma

– What hooks to use to increase the benefit & convert more sales

– What metrics to look out for

And so much more! I have two full pages of notes from this one hour video…

Obviously this is a content video for his next product launch, but the content alone in this video is so good, even if you don’t plan to purchase anything… you will benefit from what he shares.

Personally… I talked already with Colin and we agreed to buy it as soon as his new product gets released on August 2nd.

It will help us to at least double our sales within the next 2-3 months… can’t say no to that. 🙂


‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success in business & health in life,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Co-founder of,,, &

P.S. – Talking about really cool videos… after watching Mike’s video at … check out Colin’s new Viral Video system at … but don’t get it there!

In the following review video I describe what it does for you and how you can get it at an even lower price at … 🙂