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I Am Back With Something Extra For You


Sorry that it has been so long since I last sent you an update, trust me, it was well worth the wait. I have been flat out busy working on a new project with fellow Aussie, Colin Klinkert. The project is ViralURL and we launched a month ago today!

The reason I’m sending you this email, a month after launch and not at launch was because we knew that all sites, no matter how well you prepare, have little bugs and setbacks. We did encounter a couple but they were solved and the site has been running beautifully and growing at a great pace for the last few weeks!

I am now very happy and proud to show it to you and I know that you will LOVE it:

The site cloaks your existing links for you to protect all the commission thieves whilst at the same time placing a Viralbar in the footer with your affiliate link built in. This allows you to build another income stream and build a nice, big opt-in list and even advertising credits if you like, all on Auto-Pilot!

That’s right, without any extra work you open up so many more avenues whilst getting click track stats so you can stay more informed about how your programs are doing.

Don’t delay joining ViralURL as I have got something special for you, but to be fair to existing member, I can only offer this to you until the end of this week.

Once you joined ViralURL for free at you will have the option to upgrade to an amazing Gold membership that I believe you will want to have.

We have received fantastic feedback from our current Gold members and as you and I already have an existing relationship, I want to make the deal irresistible to you.

If you take advantage of the Gold membership, once you login to the members section, enter in the coupon code: “FranksSpecial” in the “Ad Credits Section” and you will get an EXTRA 15,000 ad credits (7,500 Viralbar ads and 7,500 banners ads) for FREE! But you need to act before Sunday.

Now, take advantage at:

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of and Co-owner of

PS: On another note… Sean Wu asked me a few days ago if I could donate any of my paid products for his new site called “Operation Black Box”. Well, I agreed an as it looks like so did a whole bunch of other well known Internet marketers.

Sean provides those products now (over $10,686.84 in real value) all for free in return for name and email address at:

Watching too much Bonanza on your birthday?


My good buddy and almost neighbor, Aurelius Tjin is celebrating his birthday… Hip Hip Hooray! 

He’s celebrating in an “unordinary” way this year.

And he was never done this before…

SIDENOTE:  In a hurry?  Go here to find out!

He has three big reasons to celebrate, which works to your advantage:

1.  He’s celebrating his birthday – Duh!  And yes, it really is his birthday.

2.  He’s celebrating his third year online – He started online marketing in 2004 and feels grateful to have made his living primarily doing this business.

3.  He’s moving out from his parents home in 2008 and need the finance.  Yep, he still lives with his mom and dad.  But now that he has found his breakthrough, he’s taking a big leap of faith and going totally out on his own… Relying solely on his Internet marketing business for income and he’s saving up enough to buy his own apartment here in the City of Sydney, Australia, which is why, today he’s going to offer you an amazing deal that you won’t find anywhere else!

Here’s what I’m doing for just 6 more days…

He’s going to give you an opportunity to grab FOUR of his best-selling products for a bargain.

What’s even better is that he’s also going to hand you two UNRELEASED products of his.  One of them includes Private label rights, and the other includes Resell rights.

On top of all that, he’s approached 17 gurus (all experts in their own field and one of them is me), to allow him to GIVE YOU their full-priced product as a bonus…

These bonuses alone total $2,525.77.  That’s how much you’d need to spend if you bought each one separately.

You can grab everything inside his “Birthday Bonanza Pack“.  But you must hurry… you only have 6 days left to secure your copy.  Grab yours here!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

PS: The price increases every couple of days, until this offer’s removed forever.  Today you can grab this entire package at the lowest price and save!

PPS: I want to stress out that he has also packaged together two unreleased products.  You can’t get these anywhere else at this time.  Take advantage of them, today!

Greedy Giveaway Video Review


Please check out this behind the scenes review video that I created for Jason James brand new “Greedy Giveaway”…

Once you watched the video, visit and get it all for free.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

PS: Would you like to see a review video or screencam tutorial on any other topic right here? Let me know in your comment to this blog entry.

The Millionaire Boss Review


Please check out this review video that I created for Jeff Wellman’s brand new product, “The Millionaire Boss”…

Once you watched the video, visit and see it for yourself.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

Increase your conversion rates with these…


Chris Morris, my roommate from the WIME seminar in San Francisco is in a bit of trouble and came up with the idea of his Emergency Foreclosure Sale that will be on until the 12th only.

Chris Morris
Chris Morris, my roommate from the World Internet Main Event in San Francisco, September 2007

I looked at what he is offering there… and it really great offer at a very small price.

You can find all details at or read on if you prefer.

You and I know that one of the few success factors in web copy that converts (other than skillful copywriting, of course) is none other than…

Yep, it’s professional graphic designs.

Do people judge a book by its cover? YES.

Do people judge your product by its looks? YOU BET!

Unfortunately, not everyone is cut out for designing stunning graphics. And not everyone have the budget to pay designers for top-notch graphics.

But how would you like to get your hands on a ship load of professional, great quality graphics WITHOUT having to create them from scratch?

Within minutes you will gain instant access to:

– 200 Badges,

– 63 bullets & arrows,

– 840 Bullets and Check Marks,

– 216 Numbers,

– 324 Buttons,

– 780 Letters,

– 168 Quotation Marks,

– 80 Price Stickers,

– 80 Attention-Grabbing Large Headings For Special Offers, Special Deals and One Time Offers,

– 420 Blank Files (Without Text) So You Can Add Your Own Text With Any Graphics Software,

– And many more graphics that can help beautify your sales pages and increase your conversion rates through the roof.

Click here to grab them now:

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

PS: Many graphic designers are charging easily $1,000 or more for the same package you can get here, but you’ll get these at an unbelievably low price. So act now and improve your conversion rates without having to design a single pixel!