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Join the Ranks of Top Internet Marketing Guerillas Now!


You might have heard the buzz about this already the last few days…

Well, it’s finally here! Go see it now:

If you’re sick and fed up of spending months (OR years) trying to crack the code to winning the Internet Marketing game in the dark. . .

. . . OR you’re tired of watching 1% of the people making 99% of the money all the time. . .

Then this is something you need to get hold of, and change your fortunes of the Internet Marketing war.

Because for the first time ever, the Top Guns Edmund Loh & Vince Tan are going to turn YOU into an Internet Marketing Guerilla (and not just some ‘me too’ Internet Marketer).

Edmund Loh
Here I am with Edmund Loh at the World Internet Mega Summit in Singapore – May 2007

When you join the elite class of Online Marketing warriors, don’t be surprised to find yourself:

* Raking in 6-figure annual incomes,

* Your competitors and rivals in the ‘obituary page’ (read: you knock theme off the JV leader boards!)

* Repel your potential competitors,

* Turn and flip every web site you own into highly profitable business models using state-of-the-art blueprints combined with time-tested principles. . .

. . . Thus rewarding you with AUTOPILOT income – every single month – for every work you put in ONLY ONCE!

And the *BEST* part is that Edmund and Vince are going to show you how to do ALL THESE in the shoes of a one-man entrepreneur, even tough you may be on a strap budget.

Vince Tan
Here I am with Vince Tan at the World Internet Main Event in San Francisco – September 2007

They’ve been secretly transforming ordinary individuals like you and me into top-class Internet Pioneers for the past several months under the radar. . .

So there’s no excuse for you NOT to be the next Internet Marketing Guerilla!

Don’t just take my word for it. Click here and see it for yourself:

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

P.S. There is no barrier or discrimination: ANYONE can become an Internet Marketing Guerilla.

But hurry because I understand that this is not an open-ended offer.

+PLUS with a series of limited Fast Action Bonuses at stake, waiting to be snapped up, I urge you to act now and avoid disappointment:

Can you create an ebook in ONE day?


I’m going to challenge you to create your own hot-selling ebook in just ONE day from now. Do you think you’re up to it?

If you’re ready to take me up on this challenge or you’re just curious to find out more about it, simply drop by:

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

This ebook creation formula is almost too easy…


Have ever heard of this: “When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is”?

Well, generally I agree with this statement because it’s true 95% of the time. But today, you’re going to learn ONE exception to it…

If someone tells you she knows a powerful formula to create your own hot-selling ebook in ONE single day… would you think it is too good to be true?

Just like you, I thought so too.

But when she revealed this 7-step formula to me, I knew it might sound too good, but in this case it’s definitely true!

You can simply check it out for yourself here:

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

This video is priceless (and free!)


It has just been a few weeks ago that I meet Tim Brocklehurst at the World Internet Main Event in San Francisco…

Tim Brocklehurst
With Tim Brocklehurst at the World Internet Main Event in San Francisco

Since then he has been quiet busy and has now come out with a series of ultra-short videos.

In them, he demonstrates some vital concepts for how you can grow a HUGE online business from scratch.

There’s nothing for sale here, just pure quality content. So if you want to move ahead fast, click here to take a quick look at the first priceless video!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

Sorry about forgetting Thanks Giving!


I sent you an email on Friday about my new program, ViralURL. Being an Aussie, it slipped my mind’s that it was Thanks Giving weekend in the USA and as such have decided to extend the bonus offer for you!

The offer was 15,000 credits if you decided to take our Gold membership. In the members section you simply click the ‘Ad Credits’ link and then click on ‘Claim Coupon’ and input the coupon: ‘FranksSpecial’ without the quotes. If you took Gold, this will then add the credits to your account.

This extended offer goes away in 48 hours so you need to act FAST:

Even if you don’t want to take Gold, I urge you to still join this fantastic and innovative program as the benefits of being a free member are massive too.


On another note, Lucid SEO launched last week and I got the chance to read it over. Basically the product is a ‘must have’ for anyone that is new to SEO and wants to implement steps for an instant improvement in the SERPS (Search Engine Rankings).

The product comes with Audio and Video as well as the written ebook and includes a case study on how these techniques work. Anyone can implement these techniques as Tim, the author, does a good job in showing you exactly how to go about it, step-by-step. This product is not for the advanced SEO specialist but is perfect for those that have yet to take SEO seriously (which anyone that owns a website, Internet Real Estate, should).

That is all I have time for in this update, but one final reminder, if you haven’t yet joined my new program, even if only as a free member, please do so now!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of