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Building Free Traffic Using Online Forums

How To Use Online Forums and Communities to Build Traffic

To have a successful Internet Marketing business, you first need to have visitors to your site, and there are several ways to do this, however, this post is going to focus on one particular area.

There are an unlimited number of online forums and Internet communities that are based around varied interests and niches.

Get a free copy of Mark Joyner’s #1 bestseller, The Great Formula!

A few years ago the internet marketing legend Mark Joyner aka Godfather of Internet Marketing (… and Singapore Chilli Crab eating expert ) set out to uncover a hidden mystery, how every business fortune on earth had been made…

Mark Joyner is strangling me!  ;)

… by strangling me. Oops… no, let me get back on topic…

This was no small mission, but then… as you can see above, Mark is no ordinary man.

Like me he used to be several years in the military, and using his years of military training and sheer determination he finally succeeded.

He shared this information in a book, The Great Formula, that fast became a No.1 bestseller. Here I am holding my hard cover copies of Mark’s books…

Holding all of Mark Joyner's books

… The Great Formula is the second from the top, the orange-yellow book.

Now he is releasing this same book as an ebook for gratis. That is free for you, nada, gratis, nothing to pay!

All you need to do is go and collect it. Mark told me that he isn

7 Easy Ways To Generate Traffic To Your Website

Internet Traffic, Why Is It So Important?

To be successful in Internet marketing, you need to generate traffic to your website. Because the Internet is growing so rapidly, there are numerous ways for you to do this very successfully. But before I give the methods that work, you need to create in yourself a mindset of success, determination, a belief in innumerable possibilities, and excitement. You need to be willing to do what it takes to create the traffic, willing to do the research and then you will reap the benefits of your efforts.

Below I will list briefly 7 easy and proven ways that will assist you in generating free traffic to your website, then in future posts, I will take each one and go into more detail as to the best way to implement them. With these tools, and your research, you will have what it takes to create success.

1. Online Forums and Communities

There are numerous forums and social communities on the web, each one serving a demographic of your interest. You will find here a place to talk about your niche, become an expert in this topic. You will build your brand and reputation with a group of users that are interested in what you have to say, while you develop their trust in your knowledge.

2. Newsletters

A newsletter is a great way to get your message to your readers and visitors to your website. The more readers you get for your newsletter, the more traffic to your site. You can create a newsletter that is not only entertaining, but something that is filled with useful articles and information that your readers will want to pass on to their friends and family.

3. Linking to Other Sites

There is a lot to be gained by visiting others websites and exchanging links, something to be gained by both sites. You can create free web traffic with link exchange and back-links. You will want to find sites that are similar to your own site, keeping within your niche.

4. Articles

If you want to bring attention to your product, write an interesting article. If you are writing articles that are attracting a large majority of readers, then you can usually count on them visiting your site which is the home base of that article. This is a great way to increase traffic to your website. You want to create articles with tips, how to information, guides and knowledge that has to do with your niche. You will also be including a link or a small description of your website, product or company, then submit your articles to the multiple article directories.

5. RSS Feeds

RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication, or in simpler terms, a way get your information syndicated and delivered to a software such as Google Reader. This allows readers who read a blog on a regular basis to have it delivered without them ever having to actually go to the blog. RSS Feeds are a way to increase the number of readers, which is a big step in getting your brand and product out among the web.

6. Social Networking

A great tool that allows you to link with other people in a social network, a way to connect with an organization or a group of people with the same interests. There are billions of people surfing the Internet at all hours of the day and night, and the Social Network creates a venue for people to get together to discuss and share their interests. This is a great place to build your brand, create your reputation and share what you know.

7. Social Bookmarking

This has to be one of the most popular and easiest ways to get traffic to your website. When you build a site, you want to immediately social bookmark your site, then you will have visitors within hours. You will not only be creating traffic, but working your way up in the Google rankings.

I will go into each of these methods in upcoming posts, so stay tuned.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

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‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

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What Does RSS Stand For?

You see the term