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Avoid Poorly Written Random Niche PLR Products!

I would like to draw your attention to this really cool home business niche PLR (private label rights) package that can radically propel you own home business into positive cash flow quickly.

Everyone knows that not all PLR is created equal.

The bad ones are written poorly and they hammer any ‘random’ niche without proper market research.

The good ones on the other hand, are professionally written, well researched and they provide quality content in a profitable, lucrative niche with no competition.

I mean, that’s the whole point with PLR, right? To save you time and maximize all your earnings!

And this is the case with the massive PLR collection that Jaz Lai and Khai’s have for you at

If you don’t know who Jaz and Khai are, they are the minds behind one of the biggest shakers in the home business industry and they have turned huge competitive markets into huge profits for their people through their unique PLR products.

Khai’s writing is TOP NOTCH and to have his skills on your side is definitely a winning edge. I can personally attest to the quality of his work.

These PLR products they have for you exist in a niche that is so profitable yet with so little competition… it is the biggest reason why they are able to generate a 6 figure income easily and they will show you how you can do it too – all you need to do is to ‘cut-and-paste’ their:

– Professionally written E-books collection (10 of them, in fact!)

– Article collection

– Professionally crafted videos

– And much more!

Click here to find out more about WebFusionology!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Co-founder of

P.S. – You know what’s the best part? They’ve invested more than $120,000 in terms of manpower and monetary investment to create content for you. You don’t have to invest this amount to gain access to all these quality content for your business. In fact, you will be surprised at how low they set the price.

P.P.S. – There are limited copies sold at an exclusive ‘launch-only’ price as they want to maintain the exclusivity of the products. By the time you read this, it ‘might’ be raised back to its real world value, so make sure you grab it while the price is at it’s absolute lowest at!

A Very Special Announcement

I’ve got an extremely important piece of news which I’ve been dying to tell you about… which is going to guarantee you to jump-start start your 2009 blogging success… and… give you a massive advantage in the marketplace.

Here’s what this is all about:

Late last month I was hanging out with a colleague in Sydney, Australia

Have you watched the video of the week?

I’ve been part of something very exciting with Tahir Shah and a panel of the top experts in Internet marketing. What Tahir has come up with is truly cool, you could almost say it’s REVOLUTIONARY.

IMPORTANT: I strongly urge you to set aside 30 minutes to watch this IMPORTANT VIDEO. If you want to build an income online (it doesn’t matter which business model) this is the one video to watch this week. I just watched … I knew what it was about … I still was AMAZED.

Tahir begins by revealing the “Ultimate Law Of Success” that winners like Branson and Gates use all the time.

Then, he goes on to show you something that ….

WELL, you just HAVE TO go see for yourself.

Go now – click here right now!

WARNING: Do NOT be distracted! Close all other browser windows. Close
everything. Close the door to your office or room. Take the phone off the hook. Put the dog out.

Watch this video and get ready to discover the Key To Success that Tahir reveals here.

ALL THE WAY: Watch all the way through. Tahir may shock you at one point, but
keep watching… because he will also pleasantly surprise you.

And… be on the lookout for a secret URL (that’s only revealed in this video).

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Co-founder of

P.S. – Don’t wait to watch this video. Put it on the top of your To Do
list. My advice? Go right now, click here and watch the video of the week!

Let Only Experts Answer Your Most Important Internet Marketing Questions!

Are all your most important Internet Marketing questions answered by just the best experts in their field? Chances are they are not… or not yet.

I created a quick video for you, please excuse my scruffy look… wanted to get it out to you asap.

This is the link that I am referring to in the video!

But before you go there, please remember that this is by private invitation only!

Some of the very biggest names on the Internet are involved and we aren’t opening the doors to the rest of the world until Feb 26th, so this is your special invitation head start!

Click here to watch Tahir’s video!

If you’ve been a visitor of my blog for more than a few days then you already know how I like to try and help everyone that I can, but sometimes I just don’t know the right answers for a question, and I find that very frustrating!

Well it turns out I’m not the only one, and I’ve managed to hook up with a few other successful online marketers to put together a REAL solution to the problem…

A way of making sure that whatever your question is, whatever you are stuck on, whatever is holding you back…

Now you can get the RIGHT answer, from the BEST expert on the subject, just when you NEED it!

Right at EasilyAnswered DOT com!

I want you to go and watch a video, it’s a little bit long, but I promise you it is well worth watching all the way to the end!

You see it actually shows you a secret, a very important secret that once you understand it and can put it in action, you will be able to overcome any obstacle and achieve the success you desire.

I’m not kidding, this is a biggie!

I’ve used this secret over and over again to make my business a success and profitable, although I hadn’t realized that I was using this secret until recently, when I had it explained to me by the friend who has made this video for you, Tahir!

You can watch the video at EasilyAnswered DOT com.

I was very lucky to be doing it the right, and even then not all the while, most people have no chance of doing it the right way without help, in fact most people are effectively forced to do it entirely the wrong way, without ever realizing it…

So what is this secret…?

Go watch the video and you will see, it’s not something that’s difficult to get your head around, in fact for most people the moment they see it, they “get it” straight away, in fact the usual reaction is –

“OMG, why didn’t I realize that before, and how can I do that all the while!?!”

That’s what this video will do for you, it will give you the clarity and understanding, that “Ah Ha!!” moment…

AND it will show you how you can actually put this new understanding of this secret in to ACTION TODAY!

Again, just watch that video from Tahir to see it for yourself.

You are also getting the first chance to get in on this, as I’m involved with this project I can give you that head start, but you need to be quick, this is a very limited opportunity that I’m giving you a head start on, because I want you to be able to “GET” this…

You need to watch the video all the way to the end to see what I mean by that, and I’m serious that it is VERY limited, we’re not letting the rest of the world see this until 26th Feb, so you really are getting the 1st chance at this, so please grab it now!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

P.S. – When you checkout Tahir’s video right here you will right away understand why I just love Tahir’s new site… he ready put some awesome together there.

Do you want 1,542+ Followers in Twitter?

Are you also using Twitter? Then chances are you already heard of Gary McCaffrey’s cool little brain child.

If not, I highly recommend to check out this site that shows you a way of getting 1000’s of new followers on Twitter. When I started using it myself, I had 1,542 followers in Twitter… will keep you updated on that number in the comments below.

Have you tried it already? Then please share your results in the comments… if you haven’t tried it yet, click here to join TweeterGetter for free!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

P.S. – When you