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A Very Special Announcement

I’ve got an extremely important piece of news which I’ve been dying to tell you about… which is going to guarantee you to jump-start start your 2009 blogging success… and… give you a massive advantage in the marketplace.

Here’s what this is all about:

Late last month I was hanging out with a colleague in Sydney, Australia


normz2 says:

I have been interested in blogging to promote more traffic to my main website, but there is always something that seems to happen and I do not get around to it. I am greatful for any help. There is a mountain of information out there and people that are willing to help.

Jamie Houston says:

Sounds exciting Frank – Can’t wait to find out what it’s all about 🙂
Thanks for the heads up.
Jamie Houston
NSW, Australia

Graham Price says:

Thankyou for keeping me in the loop Frank. I will look forward to Thursday, it will be Friday 1a.m. here in the U.K. but hey we are used to USA hours by now 🙂 Cheers Graham.

Jo-Ann says:

Crikey Frank – You have me interested and I certainly need to know more about Blogging and increasing Traffic so I shall be looking out for it.

Perth Au.

UNLEASHED_Marketer says:

DEFINITELY the stuffs I want to focus on! I’m into creating BLOGS and generating MASSIVE TRAFFIC. Thanks Frank, and looking forward to get these resources here!

~ rommel ;p

J. Green says:

Thanks Frank, I’ll be looking forward to seeing your new video!

David Ford says:

Very much looking forward to the video Frank. Getting that illusive traffic is the biggest headache of all. I’ve tried and failed so many times.So please show me how.

Jay says:

Great news look forwrd to it, ive just started blogging and in fact my last post was the viralUrl
benifits, I used your article and gave due credit.
Think I’ll Add you r RSS feed from your blog so I don’t miss any thing.

Thanks, Jay

Linda Basta says:

looking forward to it !

jacques senechal says:

Hi Frank , Although i am quite a newbie and don’t know yet much about blogging nor with video system , it does look very interested to me and i ‘ll probably be one of the first oe to watgh it .Cordially . Jacques – France .

Joe Rowlands says:

Hello Frank
As someone still new to internet marketing I am keen to learn and have already placed a reminder in my diary and will look forward to the video.
Best wishes

Steve Briant says:

Hello Frank,
thanks for the email.
Shame about the time of release 8pm Eastern.
Some of us on GMT are keen to get our hands on the info, releases always seems to favour US time zones.
Good luck anyway,

dorothy says:

Hi Frank, I have read your email, to be frank with you, some of the programs offered are not straight forward, and the payment system is what is killing us.

some of the programs need step by step tutorials to understand it more and implement. I am looking forward to your new video. member.

Nick Toomey-Thompson says:

Hi Frank look forward to seeing this thanks for letting me know,please tell chris Harper I will let him know when to call me soon

Walt Webb says:

Hi Frank, I will be interested to see how you go about blogging when the video is released. I have some ideas of my own but it will be interesting to get another perspective.

Kal Gutman says:

Get back to the basics Frank if you want to help.
“Traffic” isn’t the problem. :)You will sell more product, I’ll probably be a customer on the revolving wheel as always. Once you’ve discovered my problem (probably the same as most others)I’ll name you as the guru of gurus.

Sorry about being “blunt” but it’s tiring buying these flashy sales pitches which sound too good to be true and wondering where the real information is.


Anton says:


Frank nice article 😀 how about my lifetime membership ?


Carl Allen says:

I’m new at this & very serious about it. Very interesteed in learning


Donatus Hartono says:

Hello everybody.
I am very new in this internet networking.
I need a lots of advice and help from all of you to get me going.
D. Hartono

Jason Lamure says:

Hi Frank,

You are always keeping yourself occupied with worthwhile endeavors. Looking forward to learning
more good stuff from you.

Best regards,

Jason Lamure

Don says:

Can’t wait to see it. I’ve been struggling for some time trying to make this work.

Rallie Rallis says:

Thanks for making this available. I’m looking forward to learning what you’ll be sharing.

I started working with Blogs for the purpose of getting traffic, as been a month and my campaign are begining to give results, I have learn from mistakes and help from other readers, but i know that I’m quite a baby on this fields. Looking forward to see what you got going.


I can tell simply by the number of blog links you have in your post that you have something to say! I will be tuning in, and Thank YOU.

Te a says:

Tena Koe Frank

Thankyou for the message.

I have been busy caring for my mum, so have just sighted my messages.

I will however take the time to watch your video.

zardiw says:


Leeann says:

Thanks Frank,

I’m looking forward to Thursday. I need HELP.


David Johnson says:

Frank, get up to speed. Mike Filsaime is giving away Butterfly Marketing 2 on March 24 at 1:00 EST. USA> You may want to get on his website @ that time to get your free copy/ He only has 5000 copies and they will be gone FAST!

DT says:

It’s Thurs. March 12th at 9:30 PM Eastern and I still don’t see any announcement, email, or video link….

I thought something big time was supposed to happen on Thurs March 12th at 8:00 PM Eastern? It’s a full houd and a half beyond that time, and nothing…!

Octave says:

Thanks for all the great info Frank, and also for ViralURL. Great stuff.
Will be checking out the video next.

Internet Marketing Strategies says:

Hi, Frank.

Thanks for the special announcement. You kept my interest right up to the last word. The suspense is killing me though. I want the video but where is the link?

Please help.

Daniel Tetreault.

Rodney Shaffer says:

Hello Frank,

Thank you for the special announcement. I too was following this post and eagerly waiting for the video. I also was wondering where is the link to the video?

Rod Shaffer

Kay Ritson says:


What is going on with

I can’t login, I get a page load error for every link except “recommends

I am getting heaps of emails but cannot login to send my own.

Also every ad for viral url on trafficswarm comes up with the same page load error


Bob Harris says:

I am with you,Frank

Bo Tipton says:

Eagerly awaiting the video.

Bo Tipton
The Ornery Marketer

Stef says:

Hey Frank – think I can guess who the Guru is LOL.

Lookin’ forward to the vid – hope I haven’t missed it.

take it easy


Frank Bauer says:

Wow… thanks everybody for your comments. Very much appreciated. 🙂

And sorry for the delay in getting the actual video out. I originally though I could take care of this while attending the World Internet Summit in Surfers Paradise at the Gold Coast in Australia. Looks like I was wrong… hard to get work done in a place like that. 😉

I will now go ahead and write the blog post that reveals what I have been up to. 🙂

Best regards,

Frank Bauer

Frank Bauer says:

HI Kay,

Could it be that you have SpyBot installed and the Immunize function activated?

If that’s the case, check out this blog post for the solution:

Best regards,

Frank Bauer

graphic art says:

It is really a Special Announcement.It is a nice post with good info with have a nice article with good topic…..

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