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I discovered another way to save on your annual domain fees…

A few days ago I started transferring my domains from to the Domain Cost Club that I mentioned earlier on my bog, allowing me to save $169.41 per year in domain costs and that is now also available at a much lower annual fee.

Yesterday I received an interesting email from that I didn’t expect to receive and that reminded me of an offline way to save yourself heaps in fees for all kinds of things. And as I learned, that method also works online. 🙂

Let me first show you the email that I received…


In a nutshell… when I initiated the domain transfer I gave price as reason I am moving the domains and they are now trying to win me back as a customer by voluntarily lowering their annual fees.

Same as with your insurances or credit cards where just mentioning to your current provider that you are shopping around for a better deal will often cause your existing provider to do the exact same for you… same way your domain registration service provider might react the exact same way for you. All you need to do is initiate a transfer to a lower cost service provider and give them price as the reason for you decision to transfer.

After they lowered your prices, you can always move that domain back to your original domain service provider. 🙂

As you can see… even these lowered fees are still more expensive then what the Domain Cost Club charges for e.g. .com domains: $7.85 + 5% processing + $0.18 ICANN fee = $8.42

So, even if you don’t plan to save by transferring your domain to the Domain Cost Club to lower your annual domain fees and in addition, have the opportunity to earn recurring commissions in their 4 x 7 forced matrix, knowing this can help you save on domain fees with your existing domain registration service provider.

BTW… even though I recommend never to rely on spillover with any forced matrix based compensation plan (because I usually never receive spillover myself)… Domain Cost Club positively surprised my even in that way as the 2nd & 3rd person in my downline have actually been referred by my upline and not myself.

Your steps to take to save on your own domain expenses will now depend on your current situation…

If you are currently with GoDaddy, make sure that you at the very minimum transfer your domains to or join the Domain Cost Club and transfer them right away there.

If you are currently with another domain registration service provider (they are all more expensive as they don’t offer domain at-cost), join the Domain Cost Club and transfer your domains there.

And if you are already with and decide to not take advantage of the Domain Cost Club at-cost pricing, follow the instructions above to get to lower your current pricing at least a bit. It’s not as low as the Domain Cost Club prices, but some savings are better then none at all, right? 🙂

I hope this blog post helps you save a lot money every year and if you like it, please share it with others.

To Your Success in Business & Life,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer


Ivan Ivanov says:

I read your review about DCC and I noticed that you are already Lifetime Charter Member. How is it overall? I am interested, but before paying for Lifetime Charter Member, I would prefer to try them. Do you still have one of these Giftable Memberships available? Thanks, Ivan

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Ivan,

Besides the domain saving (the main reason I joined), I earned my Charter Membership fee back in commissions already. 🙂

So… yes, from my point of view this is a no brainer.

I do still have 2 annual gift memberships left and I plan to give them to paid customers of any of my own sites. If you are an upgraded member in any of my sites, just let me know. 🙂

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