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Finally in Bali!

Ok, just arrived here in the hotel in Bali where close to 2 dozen Internet Marketers meet to brainstorm, help each other and simply have fun.

So far I met Lyna Murray in the lobby… wait… ah! Edmund Loh, Ladan Lashkari and Kevin Riley just walked in. Aurelius Tjin should get here in 1-2 hours.

Well, just wanted to let you quickly know what I am up to… keep your eyes open for an exciting email from me in about 7 hours.

Talk to you soon.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

Who Wants To Attract Spiders?

Spiders You Want To Attract… Web Crawlers

What Are Web Crawlers?

Well, according to Wikipedia, their definition is:

“A web crawler (also known as a web spider or web robot or – especially in the FOAF community – web scutter) is a program or automated script which browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner. Other less frequently used names for web crawlers are ants, automatic indexers, bots, and worms.”

This is a process that is also known as spidering. This process is used by the search engines in order to provide the most up-to-date information. This information is then used to make the searches for you and me much faster. For instance, you have a website about how to finish a basement, you got the information, therefore, you want the engines to know about your site… so when someone searches this topic, voila, your site comes up in their search.

Web crawlers are also used for maintenance purposes, such as link validation and checking HTML codes. Another use is for gathering specific information from the Web, such as email address harvesting which is mainly used for spamming purposes.

Why Do You Want Web Crawlers Coming To Your Site?

You want these web crawlers coming to your site to improve your rankings. When Google and MSN use Web crawlers, they are actually analyzing an unlimited amount of Web sites, finding which ones are relevant for the most popular keywords. When you are using a good SEO, you will be showing these Web crawlers that your Website is one to be seen. It will determine whether your site is unique enough to provide information and data for a specific search.

Do All Web Crawlers Work the Same Way?

As you can see, even spiders make their style of web… as do the search engines…

No, Google, Yahoo, MSN, all have their own methods and formula for ranking, and they do not share their formulas with anyone, a highly guarded secret. But I can tell you that they will look at several factors concerning each Web site, checking its importance and overall relevance to a particular topic. They will take the keyword or keywords you are using, and use this to determine whether your page is relevant or not.

You do not need to worry so much about how heavy your keyword saturation is… if you put it in too many times, then they will pick up on that and it will hurt you in the long run. You need to put your keywords in as it pertains to your article and Web site, write for your readers, not for the Web crawlers and search engines.

Back-linking and Why It Is Important

Web crawlers will take a look at how many links there are coming to your site (its popularity), what kind of sites are linked, their quality and popularity, and so forth. Getting back-links to your site builds up your relevance in the eyes of the search engines as you can see in the illustration below.

How Do You Get These All Important Links?

Ask for them! The most popular method of the “experts” is to just ask your readers for links. If you go to a blog and leave a link or comment, just ask them to do the same for you… and guess what… they will! If there is something to gain for a blogger to link to your blog, then you can bet that he or she will do it. First, get to know them, write a blog about them, become a friend with them, then once that relationship is built, you have a friend who will provide you some great back-links.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

Frank Bauer Live

Frank Bauer Live

Please leave your questions and comments below…

What Can You Put In PutPlace?

Do you have a lot of digital data sitting around with no place to go?

For all you digital heads, this is a great site for you to check out. There are a lot of sites out there that offer a place for you to store all your digital data, as long as they stay in business.

We gather so much data on our cell phones, digital cameras, videos, mp3 players and more… what to do with all this data! I don’t know about you, but I also have a lot of emails, videos, pictures, and documents that I want to preserve, audio clips, etc…. and I would like to have them all in one place, a place where my stuff can be organized as well as easily accessed. A person only has so much time in their life, and to be spending it backing up digital files is not something we would like to be spending all our free time on.

Well, I have found a great site for just this purpose. It is called putplace, a software along with service that will secure, organize and share your digital data with whomever you choose. You can have your digital data and your life too!

So, what is putplace?

It is a virtual storage solution which will organize as well as distribute your photos, videos, and anything else you want to store. I must admit, the other storage sites are pretty safe, but they don’t have the software capabilities to organize and share your media, turning this into a social media sharing site for you. You get to send your files to YouTube, Facebook, Flickr , wherever, and still have your master copy safe and secure in putplace. You can make as many changes to your data as you like, your original will still be safe and sound.

What Can You Put In putplace ?

Do you have a lot of digital data sitting around with no place to go? You can send your videos to YouTube, your favorite pics to Flickr, you want to share it, you can, while keeping it all nice and orderly in putplace.

For all you digital heads, this is a great site for you to check out. There are a lot of sites out there that offer a place for you to store all your digital data, as long as they stay in business. We gather so much data on our cell phones, digital cameras, videos, mp3 players and more… what to do with all this data! I don’t know about you, but I also have a lot of stuff in emails, documents that I want to preserve, audio clips, etc…. and I would like to have them all in one place, a place where my stuff can be organized as well as easily accessed. A person only has so much time in their life, and to be spending it backing up digital files is not something we would like to be spending all our free time on.

Well, I have found a great site for just this purpose. It is called putplace, a software along with service that will secure, organize and share your digital data with whomever you choose. You can have your digital data and your life too!

There are other storage sites that are looking to create a more integrated approach such as putplace. An example is OpenBox which can be accessed through as a third party service. Putplace is still new, the software is in private beta and can only be used in Windows. You Mac users can look forward to this in the near future. The service is also free right now, but in the future there will be a subscription model applied. So, while the get in is free, check it out.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

Have You Ever Wanted To Be An Author?

Picture this…

A delivery truck pulls up to your doorstep, a man gets out of the truck and hands you your first box of books, then within 60 days of that delivery – that book becomes an international best-seller and sells over 60,000 copies.

You might remember as I mentioned before, I myself am working on this goal and I am looking forward to achieve it in January 2009.

Well, that’s exactly what happened to a friend of mine…

Christopher Guerriero
With my friend Christopher Guerriero at the World Internet Summit seminar in Sydney

…and now he’s handing out a complete, un-edited video training program to help me, and a few others to successfully write a highly profitable book!

It’s called The Rich Author Training Files.

(and this isn’t a fluff-filled, salesy video – in fact there’s not 1 drop of sales in it – it’s a full video training program that he’s giving away to the first 100 people who grab it)

I didn’t even have to enter my name, email or anything else … as soon as I went to the web site the video was just there, playing for free…

Wanna see it?

This guy’s amazing … he had no experience, no contacts, and no clue where to begin, but he was able to write his book and sell over 60,000 copies in the first 60 days!

…if you’ve ever wanted to have a book of your own, or to become well known, or to create something that would live on for generations after you … then watch this training video now, and there’s also a set of Quick Start audios for free as well…

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

P.S. – If you know anyone who might be interested in becoming an author – please do them a favour and send them this blog post so they can get a copy of the video as well.

P.P.S. – On another note, if you are really serious about having a bestseller, you also might to want to check out Mark Joyner’s Bestseller Blueprint, especially if it’s still before 8 am EST on May 13th!