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The not so obvious advantages of using ViralURL…

My daily Google Alert message (BTW… awesome tool from Google to stay on top what’s going on out there!) just pointed a really cool video out to me that was made by the Internet Marketer John Marshall.

He is taking on a challenge to make 60 marketing tips in 30 days. And I would recommend to come and follow him along as he shares tips to build your business. Regardless of what it is… MLM, Network Marketing or any home business! So if you are looking to build your business online or are just looking for MLM tips, Network Marketing Tips or Internet Marketing tips, you might want to consider to follow along John Marshall’s tips.

Here is the video I found in which he talks about the not so obvious advantages of using

What do you think? I absolutely agree with John, yes… (as well as gives everybody an awesome opportunity to improve their copy writing skills… which is essential in the Internet Marketing world. 🙂

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Co-founder of &


Ruth Kirby says:

Dear Frank Bauer,

It’s me again…77
and don’t know how to advertise.


Will you help me?

Ruth Kirby

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