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Worst Video Ever… Enjoy!


What happens when you surf just for fun on your birthday at YouTube?

You find hilarious videos like this one… enjoy.

Ok, now… what can we learn from this? Videos can give you tons of publicity… for free! They can be viral and easily passed arround… and it reminded me.

It reminded me that I should watch again the 9 DVD I have here from Mike Steward and Jim Edwards about “Website Video Secrets”.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer

Owner of

PS: I uploaded yesterday a pre-launch page for my Add2it Go-To System site that I am working on right now…

Would be great to get your feedback on it…

Happy Birthday!


Just a quick note… it’s my birthday today!

Here is my birthday gift for my guests visiting me on this site today… 70% off anything at for the next 35 customers.

Just use this coupon code… Happy35 and write in the comments field of the order from how old you guess I turned today.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer

Owner of &

PS: I uploaded yesterday a pre-launch page for my Add2it Go-To System site that I am working on right now…

Would be great to get your feedback on it…

Let Ewen Chia send you traffic today…


Just last November I had picked up a great book entitled Cracking the E-code. In this book was a chapter writing by a super affiliate marketer by the name of Ewen Chia. I’ve go to say that he had a lot of great things to say on how to skyrocket profits with simple tricks.

I later was pointed to one of his incredible websites called “Secret Affiliate Weapon.” I suggest you check it out.

Joining this site gives you secrets of success that make it ‘Easier Than Easy’ to amass a huge fortune from other people’s products. Just take a look at some of the great things included in membership:

– Secret Affiliate Weapon Database

– Member’s Mega Profits Program

– FREE “Instant Traffic Package”

– “Quick-Start Affiliate Profits” Bonus

Just a note, the free “Instant Traffic Package” sends you 500 laser-targeted REAL visitors to your website!

That, my friend alone is worth the cost of the membership.

So take my word for this…it is a definite choice for those looking to tap the secrets of the super affiliate.

Talk to you soon!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer

Owner of

PS: If you’re in a hurry, just go ahead and take a look at this web page to see what I’m talking about…

How I build my GDI team…


When I first started in GDI, what I did was to use their invitation system to email basically anybody I knew about GDI. I also emailed the same letter to all my subscribers and customers.

The result… at the end of the first month I received a $79 commission check.

This gave me a head start and my downline continued to grow from there through downline members signing up others.

Right now I promote GDI through an email message in my follow-up autoresponder system that goes out to to my subscribers, members & customers after they subscribe, join & order.

Another successful system I use to build my GDI team… email promotion to leads using the Mailbag system.

You can find the details at:

I also created a testimonial video that is uploaded into the public section of YouTube. Here it is…

Oh, I forgot… I also promote it through my “404 page not found” of several of my web pages.

Another technique that I will try soon is using the DVD’s in a way that I thought of…

I will place them at the entrance door of the apartments and houses in the neighborhood with a little letter saying…

“Dear neighbor,

Would you be interested in an extra money just by doing what I am doing?

What am I doing you ask? I am sharing this DVD with others and help people earn a extra income through the Internet.

If this sounds interesting to you, please watch the DVD for complete details.

Once you are done, please put the CD back outside where you found it and I will pick it up again in 2 days.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Your friendly neighbor :)”

Personally, I might add this line…

“Personally I earn so far $275/month with this. This takes me less then 2 hours per week and my extra income increases almost very month.”

After two days I will pick them up again and use them for the next neighbor. You should at least have 10 DVD’s for this approach to get started with… the more, the faster and bigger results you will see.

Hope this helps.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer

Owner of &

PS: Please forward this message to the people in your GDI downline… it will be for both of our benefit.

Get This Free Self-Improvement CD…


Do you want to get one of the most powerful self-improvement courses that have inspired millions of people around the world to be successful… for FREE?

This course is one of the best self-improvement courses of all time. I know it sounds unbelievable, but as far as I know, it’s true.

In fact, many of the well-known self-improvement gurus, authors and speakers are saying the same as well.

And I’m going to tell you where to get it for free today.

Hurry and request for your free audio course CD, because I don’t know how long this will be available:

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer

Owner of

PS: Is there a catch? Not at all… it’s all explained at: