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2 Secrets Of Copywriting – 3 Times The Response

2 Secrets Of Copywriting That Gave Me 3 Times The Response From My Butterfly Marketing Site

Today I would like to share with you how – with a little help – I increased my response rate from my Butterfly Marketing site by over 196% and I’m going to give you the contact details of a copywriter who can help you do the same.

You probably know about my site selling lifetime membership for a split testing service for just $9.97 at

In the last few months I made friends with an Australian copywriter – Andrew Cavanagh – who was kind enough to help me rewrite the sales page to this site and create a few new affiliate emails.

In the process Andrew shared some of his best-kept secrets to creating online copy that really sells including…

Secret # 1 – Share valuable information before you try to sell your prospects.

One thing Andrew did when he rewrote my copy was explain in great detail what the advantages of split testing really are – how it can multiply your profits exponentially.

What seems to be obvious and everyday knowledge to you can be mind-blowing knowledge to your prospects.

Most people wouldn’t know that you can increase the turnover of your site from a few hundred dollars a week to several thousand dollars a week with continued split testing.

But in my original copy I hadn’t given any dimension to this key area.

Andrew changed the sales letter to open with a free report…

How You Can Turn A $95 Weekly Income From Your Web Site Into $13,494 A Week Or MORE FAILING 50% Of The Time…

Then went on to explain the power of split testing in simple terms.

What are you taking for granted when you explain your product or service?

Is there some key knowledge that would turn your prospects into voracious buyers?

One of the most difficult problems when you write your own copy is that you lack objectivity.

You can improve the information value of your copy enormously by…

a. Talking to your potential prospects and getting an idea of where they’re at or

b. Working with a copywriter like Andrew who is objective and does his homework.

What kind of a difference can this one change to your copy make?

I split tested my original copy against Andrew’s rewrite and the rewrite (with a few other small changes) increased my response by a total of 98.83%!

Think about what a difference it would make to your profits if you doubled the response from your sales letter…

Think of the increase in your Vx factor and how that will multiply your affiliate traffic.

Doubling the response from your home page is pretty hot but we’re just getting started…

Secret #2 – Split Test More Small Changes

Andrew is always looking for ways to improve the copy he’s already done – even though you’ve already paid him.

And he loves it when you split test those changes.

We split test his design for a guarantee against one Mike Filsaime recommended.

Andrew’s came out the winner by a small percentage.

Andrew gave me 4 different headline combinations to split test and an “interruption headline” Andrew wrote outpulled his other three headlines by a small margin.

When you’re writing copy or working with a copywriter it’s vital you understand the power of constantly split testing small changes.

Just increasing that response rate by a tenth of one percent can make a huge difference to your profits.

The advantage of working with a copywriter like Andrew is that he knows from experience which of the key copy elements is likely to produce the biggest improvement in sales.

We tested a few elements making small improvements then something astonishing happened.

Andrew suggested I test changing just ONE sentence in the copy.

He gave me this new sentence to try and it increased my response by 97.72%!

Andrew explained that every sentence, every image and every WORD that appears in the first screen of your copy can create a massive difference in your response.

It’s just being able to see which words and sentences will make the biggest difference (again the advantage of working with an experienced copywriter).

Now I’m pretty stoked.

I’ve had a rewrite to my copy and made a few other changes and now I’m getting THREE TIMES the sales I was when I started.

And the affiliate traffic is increasing to my site at over 1,500 hits a day.

But Andrew is not finished.

He identifies a way to improve the Butterfly Marketing scripts even further.

And he gives me the code I need to add a special page to my site.

And this page increases my sales by 13%!

Best of all this is a page you can add to your sites and increase your response rate too.

I promised Andrew I wouldn’t tell you what this page is just yet but I’m going to give you a chance to find out.

And if you qualify I’m going to give you a limited-time chance to get Andrew to write sales copy for your web site.

Let me explain…

Andrew was recently engaged to a beautiful American woman called Pamela (a former rocket scientist would you believe).

Up to now Andrew limited his copy work so he could spend more time with his fiance.

But immigration laws in Australia are VERY tough (it took me 2 years to get accepted to live here myself).

And Pamela has now gone back to the USA so she can apply for a fiance visa (one of the requirements is that they both have to be in separate countries to apply).

It will be an absolute minimum of 2 months before Pamela comes back to Australia so that means Andrew has time on his hands to write more copy.

He mentioned this to me and I said I know some people who would do backflips to get a chance to increase their response the way mine has increased.

Andrew told me he’d give you a special rate if you’re my friend but only if you booked him to write copy in the next 30 days and only if you mention my name.

He does have a few conditions.

1. You must already be making a serious income in your online business. Andrew wants to know that he’ll make you real profits right from the start. So, no newbies (Sorry about that… it’s Andrew’s rule).

2. You must understand the value of great copy to multiply your profits.

3. You must be actively working and improving your online business and

4. You must want to give fantastic value to the people who buy from you.

5. You must be willing to pay US$2,800 for a sales letter and accompanying emails and you must be willing to pay half of this upfront to book his time. ($2,800 is actually half Andrew’s normal rate and quite a bargain when you consider the profits you’ll make from a great sales letter).

I can’t guarantee Andrew will take you on.

He is very selective.

But if you’d like to see your response and your profits skyrocket this is probably the best chance you’ll ever get.

To find out if you and Andrew can work together email him using his contact form at…

It’s vital you mention my name – Frank Bauer – to claim this special deal.

BTW… if you are interested, I would recommend to contact Andrew right now, he is an in-demand copywriter.

Understandably most of his past clients are very eager to re-hire him for more copy and he has his own projects including a couple he’s working on with me.

Contact Andrew now and see if he can help you at…

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

CEO of &

PS: Discover How You Can Turn A $95 Weekly Income From Your Web Site Into $13,494 A Week Or More Failing 50% Of The Time:

PPS: I hope this helps you understand the power of split testing and the advantages of outsourcing your copy writing. And no matter what split testing or copy writing service you use… I highly recommend you do take advantage of it.

Having Fun…

Four Butterfly Marketing maniacs at the Internet Mastery Secrets Seminar in Homebush near Sydney, Australia… Aurelius Tjin, Carlo Selorio, Frank Bauer (me) and Mark…

Having fun with Mike Filsaime, Aurelius Tjin and Carlo Selorio at the Internet Mastery Secrets Seminar in Sydney, Australia talking with fellow Butterfly Marketing customers…

(Click Here To See If Butterfly Marketing Is Right For You)

Aurelius Tjin, Carlo Selorio & Tim Lee
Aurelius Tjin, Carlo Selorio & Tim Lee

Mike Filsaime
Mike Filsaime and me

Stephen Pierce
Stephen Pierce (the Billion $ man) and sleepy me

Jo Han Mok
Jo Han Mok (hope he doesn’t forget to say hello to Ewen from me)

Perry Marshall at the X10 Seminar in Australia

Google Adwords Part One, Perry Marshall, X10 Seminar

Check out this massive recording of the X10 seminar in Australia a while ago with a bunch of famous IM speakers…

Perry Marshall
Alex Mandossian
Ken Giddens
Paul Colligan
Armand Morin
and more.

Some great content….Enjoy!

Free Hugs Campaign. Inspiring Story! (music by sick puppies)

Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man from Sydney, Australia who’s sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.

In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

As this symbol of human hope spread across the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.

In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person…

Music by Sick Puppies. (Visit or for the music)

Send your friends a “Free Hug” and show them you care for them.

To send “Free Hugs” to your friends, please use this form below…

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Your 2nd friends email address:
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Note: The numbers zero (0) and one (1) do not appear in the image. Refresh/reload this page for a new image. If you are uncertain of a character, take your best guess.


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‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer

Owner of &