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New Twitter App Gets You Free Traffic

I just downloaded TweetGlide, a free, new Twitter application that makes tweeting a lot simpler and less time consuming because you can easily manage all aspects of your account from one location.

It also has a built in traffic network designed to send you free traffic to your website when you post updates from inside the application.

It was developed by Mike Filsaime and if you know anything about Mike, then you know that this will be a viral traffic generating machine for you.

All you have to do is download it for free and maintain the same Twitter activity you were before you heard about this. Only now, you will get free traffic from it.

Here’s how using this application will get you free traffic…

It has a similar user interface to popular Twitter apps such as Twirl and Tweet Deck, where you have different panels for the Twitter Stream, your @ replies, and your direct messages.

But what makes TweetGlide different, and more importantly, what gets you TRAFFIC is the additional panel called the “Sponsored Tweets” where your ad (which looks like a Twitter post) that you created from inside the application will be displayed on OTHER TweetGlide users “Sponsored Tweets” panel.

It’s credit based and all you have to do is post, like you normally do, and you will earn ad credits which will convert to your ad being displayed in the stream.

Pretty straight forward, but extremely powerful.

But here’s where it gets even better…

In addition to getting credits for posting, you will get credits for referring other members, and even more credits for members YOUR referrals get to use TWeetGlide – 5 levels down!

Click here to download it now for free and start getting more traffic today!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Co-founder of &

Meeting with Mike Filsaime… the brain behind TweetGlide

Have You Tried Videos Yet?

Video Marketing, the Article Marketing of Today

The Internet is continually evolving and changing for the better, and one of these major changes has been the use of videos and how they are used for marketing. Did you know that there are approximately 14.5 billion viewers on the web, which is about 97 videos per person, just here in the US. Wow, that is a lot of video watching, and an obvious market to tap into.

If you are going to use video marketing, what do you need to know? You have the option of making a sales, informational, or educational video. The word from top internet marketers is informational videos will outrank sales videos. People are looking for useful information, not necessarily to be sold on something. If the video gives them great information, they will continue to visit your site, which will then, increase your sales.

There are a few types of videos that will be very effective for your viral campaign. A simple way to get started is with a Slideshow – This is a simple video with pictures and titles, along with your voice over. This is a great way to get yourself noticed. Have a call to action in your video, which is vital to your business. Add your address, and or website at the end of your video, as you cannot include a link.

Don’t be intimidated by video marketing, you don’t need to be a Hollywood director in order to produce a good video. Matter of fact, it truly is very simple with all the programs available to help you. You don’t need a Hollywood production to get hits on your video, just some great information.

There are many of you who just don’t feel comfortable in writing articles to promote your site or product. If this is you, then video marketing will be a great medium for you to use. As you know, article marketing is based on keywords placed through out the article, but you can’t add keywords in a video. This is why you make sure your title has the right tags, then have some good information, and put it in one of the variety of programs available, and you are ready.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Publisher of the Blogletter

The Easiest Method To Include An Up-sell

Amazon does it, eBay does it, so why can

ViralHosts switches to cPanel!

Thanks for using ViralHosts. We hope you are making the most of this new all-in-one web hosting, list builder and mailer system.

You may have experienced a few issues with the hosting section the last few days. Rather than just fixing the glitches, our Server Technician Tycho Luyben changed the hosting panel to a cPanel based system. Genius! :)

This is great news because cPanel is much more advanced and has many more features than the previous hosting panel, which means better usability, functionality and support.

Before we continue with the great news, we have some important housekeeping details for you that come with this improvement…

1. You will still get access to the old system hosting panel for a few more weeks, so you can access emails you still might have received there.

2. Your files, databases, sub-domains and domains have already been transferred, so nothing to worry about in this regard.

3. Your old FTP & email accounts will not be automatically transferred, please simply setup new ones in the new cPanel.

cPanel has so many features, we don’t even know where to start. First, cPanel allows us to provide you with better support, because of the Getting Started Wizard and the instructional videos integrated in almost each section. You will be able to find lots of help pages too.

Other new features include: mailing lists, auto-installers for WordPress and many other scripts, wizards and so much more! Just take a a look at this HUGE dashboard:

cPanel is the most used hosting panel in the world. We’re still wondering how they’ve been able to include so many features in a single system… and that’s all yours with ViralHosts!

There are some features that are still switched off, and we’re ready to customize some on demand so it’s even going to get bigger and bigger!

The hosting is now more stable too. The hardware used for this new cPanel server is much more powerful, you will surely appreciate the speed and flexibility. No doubt about that!

Make sure you log in as soon as you can to check it out! ViralHosts has now nothing to envy to its competitors, not even the big ones! We’re so excited about this and we’re sure you can’t wait to tell your friends! It is time to promote ViralHosts big time again!

Did you know upgraded members (any level starting at Silver) can install WordPress in any directory with the simple click of the mouse? No joke! If you want this and many other advanced hosting features please login to your account, and click the last menu link: “Upgrade Section”.

In that section you can see the different upgrades and great features they offer. Click here to login your account!

Upgraded members also get access to 340 simple point and click templates to get your site(s) rocking and rolling in no time, so if this sounds good to you, check out the upgrade section.

Please send us your feedback. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via our help desk!

Make sure you choose the right category when submitting your ticket so we can answer it in the quickest time possible.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Colin Klinkert, Frank Bauer & Tycho Luyben
Co-Founders of ViralHosts DOT com

P.S. – Are you a member of our other list builder service that the industry is raving about? If not, please click here to check it out!


Twitter, What’s The Big Deal?

Well, I will tell you what the big deal is, and that is….viral marketing! If you are not that familiar with Twitter, then you are about to learn something new that will be a big boon for your blogs and websites. Twitter seems to be the big topic on the web right now, everyone is “Twittering”, so if you’re not on the Twitter wagon, time to get on.

Let me first introduce to you to Twitter, for those of you who are new to the term. If you already know about Twitter, don’t skip this post, there is still information that will benefit you.

Twitter, What Is It?

Basically, Twitter is a great social networking community, using microblogs of a maximum of 140 characters on a post. You choose people that you want to follow and there will be those that want to follow you. This is a way of keeping tabs on your status at all times, what are your interests, how you spend your day, what sites do you like to visit, what are your hobbies, etc…every time you post what you are doing, or thinking about, it is called a “Tweet”.

Your tweet can be personal or to reflect your business. There are a number of applications that can be used to maximize your brand and company, letting your followers know who you are and what you have to offer. This is a huge bonus to those of us in the Internet Marketing community, allowing you the publicity, and then some great financial benefits.

Here are a few tips to help you use Twitter in your viral marketing campaign:

  • Make your profile unique to your company and brand. Include your website or blog in your profile, which will draw in much wanted traffic.
  • Make sure you have your values posted, and never, ever SPAM.
  • Look for others that are Tweeting about your niche, follow them, get to know them, and you will find that they will follow you in return.
  • Don’t be shy about posting, get involved, reply to others that post, keep yourself on the grid.
  • Don’t be “pushy” with your business, but do offer to help others with valuable content, advice, information, etc…when you have something valuable to offer, they will come.
  • Keep up with your followers, ever increasing your fan base.

Now you are ready to get started on Twitter. You will find that your following will increase as you continue to Tweet, and your business will continue to grow right along with it. You may find that you have so many contacts, more than you ever dreamed of. Take advantage of this great opportunity, start marketing your business.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Publisher of the Blogletter