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iPad 2 Review Video

This is genius, highly recommend you watch the entire way through. Masterfully put together by videographer, photographer and actor Eskild Engeland Fors. Enjoy! 🙂

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Co-founder of,, & soon

Tips on how to Introduce Yourself & How To Buy Time…

I just had to share two quick tips with you… How to Introduce Yourself & How To Buy Time!

Enjoy! 🙂

Looking forward to read your feedback below.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Co-founder of,, &

Over 100 blogs already use the new ViralURL WordPress Plugin

Hope you had a happy Independence Day. :)

Last weekend Colin & I released version 1.2.5 of our free WordPress plugin… the first publicly released version of this ViralPlugin.

Within less then 2 days there are now already over 100 WordPress blogs using this cool plugin that helps you to monetize your blog easily.

If you haven’t already, you can watch a short video Colin made for you at:

Or if you like to watch my video for you, that’s at:

Some of our members asked if there is a way to recommend our ViralPlugins for WordPress or FireFox to others with their affiliate links…

… I listened and added that now. :)

You can find referral links and banners for that now in your ViralURL Promo Tools section.

To your success,

Frank Bauer Colin Klinkert
Frank Bauer
& Colin Klinkert
Frank Bauer Colin Klinkert

Save $97 with this free ViralURL WordPress Plugin

We have yet another cool free plugin for you to make your daily life with ViralURL even easier. :)

You might remember, we released a VialPlugin for Firefox a while ago that makes it as easy as 1,2,3 to cloak and share all your links with ViralURL! Even if you are reading a news article on NYtimes or Sports news on ESPN etc. and you want to share the article, you would use the ViralURL FireFox Plugin to cloak the link and copy it in 3 seconds!

Then you can share your shortened and cloaked URLs on Facebook, Twitter, Digg or your blogs or over chat like GTalk or Skype. That way, instead of simply sharing a boring link that WON’T earn you anything, in 3 seconds (The same time it takes you to copy and paste the link anyway) you now can:

* Earn credits from showing ads and therefore get YOUR ads shown!

* Build a downline with your built in affiliate links from the ViralBar

* Earn an income! You get up to 60% commissions if your personal referrals upgrade, it’s that easy!

So if you are not using the ViralURL, ViralPlugin for Chrome & FireFox… then download it now for free and start cloaking EVERY link you share and add massive Leverage to what you are doing!

Now for the BIG news for today…

Brand New: ViralPlugin for WordPress!

Are you sick & tired of messing with HTML code, manually hyper-linking links to your offers? Would you love a way to instantly link all the instances of a keyword or keyword phrase to an offer without having to do it every time yourself? How about if you write an article and you have a bunch of keywords that when written, and published, will automatically link to your affiliate offers and other sites?

Well now you can… and 100% free!

Watch the video below showing you how to use the ViralURL WordPress Plugin:

Click here to view the embedded video.

Before, it would cost you $97 to buy a WordPress plugin which does the same thing the ViralURL WordPress Plugin does… except the ViralURL WordPress Plugin also Cloaks your links, protecting your affiliate commissions AND builds your credits, downline and income, all on AutoPilot!

Click here to download the ViralURL WordPress Plugin!

To your success,

Colin Klinkert Frank Bauer
Colin Klinkert
& Frank Bauer
Colin Klinkert Frank Bauer

This guy is really cool, isn’t he?

Some of Will Smith’s fantastic quotes that are in this video are…