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Offline Seminars… the business boosters! Just 3 1/2 days until takeoff!


Ever since I started attending offline seminars, I noticed my online business being boosted further and further. How does that come?

Before I answer that… let me share my excitement with you! Just 3 1/2 days until I will take off for a 13 hours flight from Sydney, Australia to San Francisco, CA / USA! 🙂

From the 13th to 16th I will attend there the completely sold out World Internet Main Event. If you haven’t gotten your ticket for that event yet, the only chance to see it is during the live broadcast. But to be honest… that gives you just a tiny fraction of the power.

BTW… if you are one of the lucky ones that secured a ticket for the WIME yourself, please leave your comment below and I am looking forward to meet you in person. When you see me there… tap me on the should and let’s get our picture taken for my “Meeting The Who’s Who Of Internet Marketing” page. 🙂

What makes attending offline seminars so powerful is not just the content presented and that you can learn from. What makes it way more powerful is the human interaction… the breaks, the time before the event starts every day and after the event finishes for the day are those that are most powerful.

In fact… when I just recently attended the World Internet Mega Summit last May in Singapore, the most beneficial time spend for me personally was the time in the hallway. Yes, that’s right… that’s the place connections have been made, business cards exchanges and friendships mended.

Talking of business cards exchanged… let’s get something straight before it gets misunderstood. Don’t ever attend an offline seminar and tackle everybody that gets to close you to force your business card on them. That’s a big no-no!

Wait until your are asked for it… that way you can make sure it doesn’t end up in the next rubbish / trash bin. 🙂

Also… another factor makes attending offline seminars super powerful. Are you aware of the power of doing JV’s? Now let me tell you from experience, it’s a lot easier to say NO to a JV offer from somebody that just sends you an email and you have never heard of, then from somebody that you have met in person.

Imagine that person that you want to JV with receives from you an email with a picture attached that shows you two shaking hands at an offline seminar! Can you see that this will have a much bigger impact?

Doing joint ventures has been the most important aspect in my online business ever since I discovered their awesome power.

Looking back, I can tell you with confidence that JV’s are responsible for every single one of my best pay days ever!

BTW… If you are not doing JV’s yet or if you can’t seem to get those big JV partners on board that you hope to work with, I recommend to give Reed Floren’s JV Bootcamp a VERY serious consideration!

Back to the topic of offline seminars…

If you missed the chance to personally attend the World Internet Main Event, or even if you do attend it and have time from October 5th to 7th, SERIOUSLY consider attending the Big Seminar in Atlanta, Georgia / USA.

The host, Armand Morin is having this year his 10th event and I can highly recommend that event as well.

With Armand Morin at the World Internet Mega Summit in Singapore, May 2007
Here I am with Armand Morin at the World Internet Mega Summit in Singapore, May 2007

In closing… whatever you do, make a firm commitment to attend at least one offline seminar every single year! Your online business will be boosted so much faster then if you would skip on this. Attend the Big Seminar, World Internet Summit, World Internet Main Event or any other offline seminar near you. 🙂

And if there is none near you… simply catch the next plane. 😉

This year I have personally attended so far 5 offline seminars (Melbourne & Sydney, Australia as well as in Singapore) with at least one more to go.

I am looking forward to meet you in person.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of


Damian Crean says:

Heading off in 2 days for about 20 hours from Monaco via London to San Fran get in Wed afternoon so hope to bump in to you at some point.

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Damian,

Wow… 7 hours longer flight then mine. I will takeoff in 24 hours, non-stop flight from Sydney, Australia to San Francisco.

The closest I have ever been to Monaco must have been when I visited Nice in France. Check out my travel map on my Facebook page.

Looking forward to meet you in person. 🙂

Best regards,

Frank Bauer

Frank Bauer says:

Just a quick update…

After a 13 hours flight I just arrived in San Francisco.

If you want to meet, I am in the Airport Marriott Hotel until the 19th, room # 5078. 🙂

Best regards,

Frank Bauer

PS: My wireless mouse USB receiver didn’t survive the flight, need to find a USB mouse replacement now.

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