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Who would you like to meet?


Yesterday Bruce Gibson and I where talking via Skype (a wonderful free VoIP software) for almost 3 hours about the World Internet Summit here in Sydney and who we would like to see as mystery speaker X & Y. We also talked about the changes I plan for the Add2it affiliate program and a JV we can do between Bruce’s NicheScripts membership program and

My wife asked me in between if I already sucked the last drop of blood out of Bruce’s head… talking that long on the phone with him. šŸ˜‰ (I talked too much… but Bruce’s said he is fine.)

Anyway… as we where talking about possible mystery speakers and who we would like to see there, we both had some common choices. šŸ™‚

The first person I mentioned and would really like to meet in person is kind of controversial… 50% love him and 50% hate him (I belong to the first group). Can you guess who I am talking about?

Right… Mark Joyner.

Other people I would love to meet some day and talk with are…

– Jim Edwards
– Mike Filsaime
– Russell Brunson

And one person I always wanted to meet will be there… Stephen Pierce. šŸ™‚

Others there that I am looking forward to meet are Mike Steward, Tom Hua, Kirt Christensen and Ted Ciuba (of course also the other speakers).

Other people that I want to meet some day are…

– Armand Morin
– Rick Raddatz
– Alex Mandossian

Who would you like to meet some day?

Want to meet me? šŸ˜‰ You can find me on the World Internet Summit here in Sydney between the 9th and 12th of March. šŸ™‚

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer


Frank Bauer says:

Wow… one and a half years went by since I posted this… time to give an update! šŸ™‚

In the meantime I meet…

– Mark Joyner
– Mike Filsaime
– Armand Morin
– Rick Raddatz
– and many more

Still missing are…

– Jim Edwards
– Russell Brunson
– Alex Mandossian

Ok guys… here is your chance… I will attend the World Internet Marketing Main Event this September in San Francisco… be there. šŸ˜‰

Best regards,

Frank Bauer

Frank Bauer says:

And another 3 years and 5 month went by…

Remember when I mentioned my trip to San Francisco in September 2007?

I met Alex Mandossian (and many others) there in person. šŸ™‚

And I met Jim Edwards so far twice at the Big Seminar 13 & 14 in Las Vegas.

Leaves Russell Bunson… or?

Hmmm… not really. šŸ™‚

– Russell Brunson
– Frank Kern
– Yanik Silver (missed him November 2009 in Vegas by a day! :P)

Best regards,

Frank Bauer

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