Branding: Do You Know How To Create One?

What Is A Brand, and How Do You Make One?

A brand is something that sets you apart from your competition. As you are walking down the aisle in the store, you will see many brands of shampoos, laundry detergents, cosmetics, and the list goes on. Each product has a particular function, laundry soap is for cleaning laundry, shampoo to wash hair, but what sets them apart? Why do you choose on brand over the other? You have somehow developed a connection to a certain brand, either by their promotional methods, referral by someone you trust, you may have tried it and liked the results, or just curiosity. This is where branding comes into play for you. You are going to create a brand that sets you apart from the rest, something that will connect to the public, to those who will benefit from your product.

You want to create an impression that will last “forever” in the minds of your prospects. Take a closer look as you watch ads on TV, or that you hear on the radio, what angles are they taking to get your attention? Let me give you a few tips on how to use the same angles that the pros use.

When someone contacts your business by phone, what response to they get? Are they greeted by a generic voicemail asking them to leave a message, or are they greeted by a real person with a friendly voice, ready to help the caller with their request?

Do you have a niche slogan, something memorable and appealing, gaining the trust of your potential customer? Let me give you some examples.

* Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
* Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.
* Obey your thirst.
* It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
* So easy a Caveman can do it.
* Good to the last drop.

As you read these slogans, did the product immediately come to your mind? As you can see, the product is not listed in any of these slogans, but you automatically associate the brand with the slogan. You want to create a slogan that will invoke the same connection, something that will be simple, but unforgettable. You want to evoke a special expectation of your product, and make your motto your magnetic signature.

On your website, you have an About Me page, what you put here will create the impression you are striving for in the mind of your reader. What do you want your prospect to know about you?

Are you hardworking, expert in your niche, honest, trustworthy, dependable, creative, successful, etc…? You want to create your about me page to be something that will be engraved in your customers mind, and this can’t be done just by claiming to have these traits. You need to tell short stories, share experiences, that will evoke the feelings of loyalty and trust. You are creating a brand for yourself in the mind of your prospects.

Take these tips and put them to work in your viral marketing strategy, you will be on your way to creating your own brand that will be as memorable as the ones you hear and never forget.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Publisher of the Blogletter


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