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You might have dozens of questions about how you can run your own profitable online business, but which one is your #1 question?

What questions would need to get answered first before you can move on from where you are now to where you want to get?

Leave a comment with your personal #1 question below!

Important: This is not for private questions related to an account with any of the sites we run such as,, or For any questions on those, open a helpdesk ticket at…


Janny says:

Hi, I have an account with I want to delete the account so it won’t charge on my card monthly. Somehow. I can delete it, everytime when I try to, it is always saying that I have to change my password or my password doesn’t work.

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Janny,

Deleting your doesn’t stop your PayPal or PayZa payment subscription. To stop that, simply log into your PayPal or PayZa account and cancel your payment subscription right there.


Frank Bauer

Danny says:

I have tried multiple times in trying buy into your Millionaires 2.0 information program and the payment will not go through by the use of Pay Pal or my credit card. Is this program still available? If so please let me know how I can sign up for it.


Frank Bauer says:

Hi Danny,

I have been researching this further… we did get orders from other people, so I assume it’s something about the PayPal account you tried to use.

Please make sure your PayPal account is verified and it does have a verified credit card added to it.

Curt says:

Hallo Frank,
ich habe mich über VU als Affiliate registriert, um eventuell Produkte über Adhitz ua. zu promoten.
Wo bitte finde ich Produkte (bei Clickbank?) und dazugehörige Werbemittel (banner, emails), um anfangen zu können?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Curt Lampl

Frank Bauer says:

Hallo Curt,

Ich habe Deine Fragen in diesem Video beantwortet… 🙂

Produkte & Werbemittel finden

Andrew Speers says:

Great site and love the favicon the little touches make a huge difference love it

Lisa says:

howdy. Just had a mail out from you and the bitcold link was not added, best you give it to us so we can join. hahah

Frank Bauer says:

Oooops… I linked by mistake to my blog. 😛

Here is the correct link:

Aton Simms says:

I would like to set up my blog like yours, where do I buy the templet?

Frank Bauer says:

Hello Anton,

The WordPress we use here at is called “Covert Viral Wizard” and it available at:

Daniel Singh says:

Hi Franz, I just joined Viralurl and am trying to send email. In the email i want to put clickable text so that when it is clicked, my website will be shown. Could you please help me?

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Daniel,

Have a look at this video that shows you how to do that:

Kat Conway-Paul says:

I’m not receiving the confirmation email to delete my account permanently.. Ive tried several times and no emails been sent… getting a tad frustrated as my inbox is constantly filled up with viral url emails !!!

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Kat,

I deleted your ViralURL account now for you. BTW… our helpdesk at is the best place to get support.

Alan Williams says:

Hi Frank Bauer,

I’m very interested in running a solo ad with your ezine/list but I have some quick
questions for you before we proceed could you kindly answer the following questions
and get back to me asap. long have you been publishing or owned this list?

2. How did you build your list?

3. Do you use single or double (verified) option to build your list

4. How often do you send solo ads?

5. What is your open rate?

6. Do you have an average ctr?

7. What offer has worked the BEST to your list in the last 6 months?

8. What offer has worked the WORST to your list in the last 6 months?

9. Do you feel that my offer will fit your ezine/list links below?

(1. Squeeze Page:

(2. After squeeze page/optin:

10. How many subscribers are on your list/ezine?

11. How many ACTIVE subscribers are on you list/ezine?

12. How much do you charge for a solo ad?

13. When is your next available spot?

14. How do I submit my solo ad with you?

I await your reply, many thanks in advance.


Alan Williams

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Alan,

Let me answer your questions…

1. How long have you been publishing or owned this list?

The first issue has been published July 1st 1996… with less than 10 subscribers. 🙂

2. How did you build your list?

By having subscribe forms to our blogs at and

3. Do you use single or double (verified) option to build your list

The list is single optin.

4. How often do you send solo ads?

So far we send 4 solo-ads this year.

5. What is your open rate?

We don’t track the open rates for sent messages. We do track the last open per subscriber.

6. Do you have an average CTR?

We don’t track the CTR for set messages but advise that advertisers use tracking links. We do track the last click per subscriber.

7. What offer has worked the BEST to your list in the last 6 months?

Due to us not tracking the CTR for the 4 solo-ads sent this year, we don’t know which worked best.

8. What offer has worked the WORST to your list in the last 6 months?

Due to us not tracking the CTR for the 4 solo-ads sent this year, we don’t know which worked the least.

9. Do you feel that my offer will fit your ezine/list links below?

It should do good as it targets people interested in Internet Marketing.

10. How many subscribers are on your list/ezine?

The current number of subscribers is shown on our order form at:

Please note that we delete subscribers that have not opened or clicked a link in over a year.

11. How many ACTIVE subscribers are on you list/ezine?

Due to us deleting subscribers that become inactive, we consider all to be active.

12. How much do you charge for a solo ad?

You can see the current price ob our order form at:

13. When is your next available spot?

Anytime within 3 days notice.

14. How do I submit my solo ad with you?

The solo-ad submission form is part of the order form at:


Frank Bauer

Eduardo Sevin says:

Hi Frank,

I have been looking at your website( I saw that you have a lot of websites start with Viral. Are you also own the website domain, ?


Frank Bauer says:

Hi Edwardo,

Yes, (our other blog) is owned by Colin.


Frank Bauer

Eduardo Sevin says:

There is a problem with Colin’s website. Can you give his email address please?


Frank Bauer says:

Hi Edwardo,

You can reach Colin through his helpdesk at:


Frank Bauer

Eduardo Sevin says:

I am afraid doesn’t work, is there any other email address?

Thanks for your help

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Edwardo,

You are right… I just asked Colin on Skype, he no longer uses

You can reach him via:


Frank Bauer

Walter Thomas says:

I need the password for my ViralURL account with the ID 3370.

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Walter,

We can’t provide your password here in public for security reasons.

Either use the password recovery form at:
Or submit a helpdesk ticket at:

Friday says:

The Surfing in my account is not counting

Frank Bauer says:

You get get ITB support at:

BTW… referring yourself in ITB is not permitted and because you did that our system doesn’t allow you to earn credits or shares and your commissions are being passed up to your referring accounts referrer.

Laisa says:

I have a question: How many downline do we need to invite to our ITB team to earn the 2.74 BTC within 42 days?

Frank Bauer says:

Everybody will only need to refer 4 in 8 days… let’s do the math to see how many people you will be all together, thanks to the team effort…

Day 2: You + 1 = 2 then 2 get 1…
Day 4: You + 3 = 4 then 4 get 1…
Day 6: You + 7 = 8 then 8 get 1…
Day 8: You + 15 = 16, you are finished now, then 15 get 1…
Day 10: You + 30 = 31 then 29 get 1…
Day 12: You + 59 = 60 then 55 get 1…
Day 14: You + 115 = 116 then 107 get 1…
Day 16: You + 223 = 224 then 207 get 1…
Day 18: You + 431 = 432 then 400 get 1…
Day 20: You + 832 = 833 then 722 get 1…
Day 22: You + 1,605 = 1,606 then 1,489 get 1…
Day 24 You + 3,095 = 3,096 then 2,871 get 1…
Day 26: You + 5,967 = 5,968 then 5,535 get 1…
Day 28: You + 11,503 = 11,504 then 10,671 get 1…
Day 30: You + 22,175 = 22,176 then 20,580 get 1…
Day 32: You + 42,746 = 42,747 then 39,652 get 1…
Day 34: You + 82,399 = 82,400 then 76,434 get 1…
Day 36: You + 158,834 = 158,835 then 147,335 get 1…
Day 38: You + 306,170 = 306,171 then 284.004 get 1…
Day 40: You + 590,175 = 590,176 then 547,446 get 1…
Day 42: You + 1,137,622 = 1,137,623

On your own… this task would be impossible to achieve. But as a team effort, where everybody just has to refer 1 every 2nd day for 8 days… or if you need more time 1 per week for 4 weeks, it becomes possible. 🙂

Yes… if everybody takes a week instead of 2 days, the 42 days turn into 21 weeks. But leveraging just 0.00026 Bitcoin investment for 1,000 visitors into 2.74 Bitcoin, I believe that even 21 weeks is worth more than the effort of just referring 1 every 2nd day for 8 days and surfing 10 pages per day. Wouldn’t you agree?

Francis Obediah says:

Good day CEO, I want to know why I have not earned on infinitytraffic boost, after buying TPOs, have 5 active referrals and surfed for almost 700pages. Why have I not been able to earn not even a dollar. Thank you

Frank Bauer says:

Surfing earns you some money… you can earn a few $ in a month or two to allow you to purchase a TPO 1, but the big money is in commissions on purchases made by those you referred.

Which TPO’s did those 5 you refer buy so far?

Sigrid Akwaake says:

Hi. Is there any way in ITB to make bitcoin by surfing… I don’t want to make surfing for advertising, I just want surfing for earning bitcoin… With ITB only, not other sites, please…

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Sigrid,

You can earn Surfers Reward Pool Shares of surfing 10 pages… those get paid out in BitCoin at the end of the day.

In addition, you can sell your advertising credits that you don’t want to use yourself via an auction and receive BitCoin for them as well from advertisers.

Beatrice says:

I am a member of and I want to become an affiliate. However, I do not have a Bitcoin account or CoinPayments account to pay the fee. Can I join using another payment methods like PayPal etc…?

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Beatrice,

Right now the only payment option available on the site is via crypro, but if you open a helpdesk ticket at, we might be able to set up a one-time payment for you via ORU, Uphold or Stripe (credit cards).


i want to cancell my account

Frank Bauer says:

Most sites have the function to delete your account.

If yours doesn’t, our helpdesk is at:

Doria Johnson says:

I am trying to fund my new acc for TronXtreme and cannot find out where to go. I cannot access the site as I have been unable to fund it. User name *****
Password **************

Frank Bauer says:

That’s not one of our sites. If possible, I would suggest asking their support.

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