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Avoid Poorly Written Random Niche PLR Products!

I would like to draw your attention to this really cool home business niche PLR (private label rights) package that can radically propel you own home business into positive cash flow quickly.

Everyone knows that not all PLR is created equal.

The bad ones are written poorly and they hammer any ‘random’ niche without proper market research.

The good ones on the other hand, are professionally written, well researched and they provide quality content in a profitable, lucrative niche with no competition.

I mean, that’s the whole point with PLR, right? To save you time and maximize all your earnings!

And this is the case with the massive PLR collection that Jaz Lai and Khai’s have for you at

If you don’t know who Jaz and Khai are, they are the minds behind one of the biggest shakers in the home business industry and they have turned huge competitive markets into huge profits for their people through their unique PLR products.

Khai’s writing is TOP NOTCH and to have his skills on your side is definitely a winning edge. I can personally attest to the quality of his work.

These PLR products they have for you exist in a niche that is so profitable yet with so little competition… it is the biggest reason why they are able to generate a 6 figure income easily and they will show you how you can do it too – all you need to do is to ‘cut-and-paste’ their:

– Professionally written E-books collection (10 of them, in fact!)

– Article collection

– Professionally crafted videos

– And much more!

Click here to find out more about WebFusionology!

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Director of Marketing Pty Ltd
Co-founder of

P.S. – You know what’s the best part? They’ve invested more than $120,000 in terms of manpower and monetary investment to create content for you. You don’t have to invest this amount to gain access to all these quality content for your business. In fact, you will be surprised at how low they set the price. 🙂

P.P.S. – There are limited copies sold at an exclusive ‘launch-only’ price as they want to maintain the exclusivity of the products. By the time you read this, it ‘might’ be raised back to its real world value, so make sure you grab it while the price is at it’s absolute lowest at!


Lionel says:

Your blog on “Avoid Poorly Written Random Niche PLR Products!” was a very interesting post. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us, your work is really appreciated, and I will look into WebFusionology later.

Cevin says:

Can you help me. My PC went down and I lost all of
my info, info like how to fix what my SD SpyBot did.

You or some one knew how to fix this and I had it booked marked so if it happened again, I could go
back and fix it agian. So as now I can not log in
to my ViralUrl account.

Thank You
Cevin Gauthier

Frank Bauer says:

Hi Cevin,

You can find that information at:

Best regards,

Frank Bauer

Phillip says:

I love you flash banners on the blog, Can you put them in affiliate tools so we can promote with them ?

Computer Repair Service says:

A good way is to search for free JV giveaways. You can find nice PLR and MRR to download for free.

Computer Repair Service says:

Using PLR is all about leverage. You use someone elses talent so you do not have to make the website yourself. But in the end it still depends on your abilty to sell it.

Computer Repair Service says:

You asked if THIS website would be beneficial… well they ask $137 for 10 websites they claim never to sell again but I can’t help to wonder how much PLR they are…they look vaqualy familiar and are imo not that impressive. My honest opnion is that it’s overpriced.

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